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Dylan's pov

       I walked down the college hallway, as I headed to the lecture room for chemistry. I loved science and that's why I have always chosen science any college I go to. I have been attending different colleges since I started running just to blend in. Most people would expect me to be in hiding and not go anywhere but I preferred going out to staying in a cave somewhere all in the name of running from a power deranged vampire.

      As I continued walking, a high-pitched voice stopped me in my tracks. "Hey!!, I would like to talk to you". I looked back and regarded the lady approaching me under the hoodie I was wearing. I said nothing in answer as she came to my side.
"Hey, how you doing?, Am ruby by the way" she said as she held out her hand for a shake, I assume. I didn't say anything waiting for her to get to her point.

    She withdrew her hand with a wounded expression when I didn't so much as glance at the hand she was holding out. She changed her expression quickly to that of a cheerful one even though I could still sense hidden venom.
"Just saw you walking around with nobody and decided to invite you to a party at my house" she continued
"Not interested" I clipped out as I continued on. She reached out like she wanted to say something but stopped herself as she seathed with anger.

      I reached the front of the lecture room and was about to enter when, "Hey!, Dylan". I looked back becoming irritated until I saw who was calling me. I had thought it was that ruby that had followed me.
    "Did you please see my phone?, I think I left it at that house" mia said as she came to my side.
Without answering, I dug into my backpack and pulled the phone out. I had seen it earlier this morning after she left, in the basement of my house. I gave the phone to her and mumbling a thank you she passed by me and entered the lecture room.

      I was both relieved and sort of uncomfortable that she had asked no questions back then at the house or even now. I had expected her to have a lined up list of questions to ask about what had happened last night, like: 'how did you run so fast?', 'how did you make me fall asleep?', 'how did you know such dangerous thing/person?' and so on and so forth but she had seemed in a lot of hurry to get away from me, guess I had succeeded in scaring her away.

     I walked in too and was surprised to see her not seating on her regular seat in the middle, she was seating at the back on the left and she was behaving like she never met me.
Ignoring her too, I went to the middle seat and sat waiting for the lecturer. The lady who had approached me earlier named ruby and some other ladies stepped in and walked past me. She stopped abruptly and walked backwards stopping beside me. "Well, well, well, seems like there is no seat partner. How about I join you?" She said
      I ignored her, if she liked she could seat and if she didn't she could continue on. When she received no answer, she sat down reluctantly and the other ladies joined us, some sitting at our back. She tried making conversations but I kept ignoring her. She bugged me to the extent I looked her to give her a warning, but instead my eyes strayed to her neck and I jumped. Her pulse was strong and I was advancing on her, coming closer to that delicious pulse until I caught myself. I stood up quickly and left the room just as Mr Mckenzie got in.

     I headed straight to the male's toilet to gather myself. I couldn't keep on like this. The sound of the pulse was thumping in my head, making me almost go mad. I entered the toilet and locked it, no one was going to come around, they were all in lectures.

     I was looking at myself in the mirror regarding my red bloody eyes and waiting for myself to come down when a knock sounded on the door. I groaned, I didn't need this now. I didn't answer and waited for the person to go away.
      "Dylan, are you okay?, Open the door!" Mia called out. I sighed, doesn't this girl know how to stay out of trouble. I kept quiet but she kept banging the door requesting me to open up and a frustrating five minutes later, I opened the door dragging her In and locking the door again.

   I backed her up against the wall, "why can't you just stay away from me?" I asked angrily trying my best to contain my anger but she was just staring at my eyes and it took me a minute to understand that she was looking at my bloody red eyes. I ignored that as my eyes strayed to her neck, oh so delicious looking. Without thinking I moved my mouth closer to her neck baring my fangs and was about sinking in when I heard footsteps coming down this way.

  I pulled back reluctantly as I realized what I had almost done. Even after I released her from my angry grasp, she still stayed backed up to the wall, so stiff I thought she was going to break in two. "You better get your ass moving, you don't want to be found in the guy's toilet, do you?" I asked her and that spurred her into action. She turned away from me and ran out, not looking back at all.

   I poured water on my face and shook my head several times, shaking the thought of blood and necks out of my head. About ten minutes later, I went out of the toilet but didn't go back to the lecture. I headed out the college building but stopped short when I saw someone at the end of the hallway, dressed In all black and wearing a hoodie. He raised up his head and I gasped audibly.

    Out of all the places I expected them to accost me, I never thought of the school and this could spell danger exposing us to the town people.
           "Was he that desperate?"


   I hope you liked and enjoyed this chapter?

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