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Dylan's pov

We all sat in the living room, me, Mia, Callidora and Cassius, staring at each other and my plan of showing Mia some great things about being a vampire sabotaged.
"Okay, so Cassius came back to bloodville, our town this morning claiming there was a big problem and that you may be in danger. What's that all about?" Callidora, the leader of the vampire council of our town said starting a conversation while looking menacing,

"First things first, I think you should calm down, you're scaring her" I said indicating Mia and she turned to look at her with a look I couldn't decipher
"Well, I have a lot of things waiting for me to do and who is she by the way?" She asked
"She's a friend and is someone who is new to all these"
"What do you mean by that?" She asked her demeanour gradually changing

"What I mean is that she was recently bitten by one of athan's minions who left her for dead and by the time I found her, the only thing I could do was give her my blood to drink and you know what that means" I explained
"You mean she got bitten!!?" She exclaimed
"Athan has so many crimes to answer to once I get a hold of him" she said fuming and that only made Mia move closer to me in fear
"Calm down" I said trying to placate her but I just added fuel to the flames
"How could I?, That guy already caused a lot of havocs in our town, I mean he killed your entire family and a lot of other families"

"Yeah he did and let me start from there. When he killed my entire family as you already stated, he started chasing me when he knew I was with the diamond ring. He has been chasing me a hundred years now and now he plans to ambush me on the blood moon which is just four months away" I said without pausing for breath and by the time I finished, I found all of them looking at me dumbfoundedly,
"What!!?" I asked
"Wow, I didn't know you could talk so much" Mia muttered to herself unaware of the fact that I had heard her but I ignored the statement and faced Callidora

"That is some information because I didn't know he was after the ring but it's good you have kept it safe, we can't let him have it" she said and I nodded in affirmation
"The problem now is that we don't where he is" Callidora said
"Oh!, we know where he is" i said and she sat up
"Where?" She asked
"He's in this town and Cassius knows his hideout" I replied
"Wonderful, then I'll go get him" she said about to get up but I stopped her
"No!, You can't just go get him"
"And why is that?" She asked incredulously
"He has a plan and a strategy, not to forget that he has four vampire families with him"I replied and she sat back dejectedly

"So, what do we do now?" She asked
"I say we get a plan too as well as a strategy that would beat him down" I replied
"Fine, you got any ideas?" She asked again
"Well, I don't. That's why Cassius came for you, to help us with one, I mean you're the leader of the vampire council and that says a lot" I replied
"Okay then, I'll just come up with a strategy, I have to think on that one"

"There may be something you guys aren't putting into consideration" Cassius said talking for the first time since the conversation started,
"And what is that?" Callidora asked before I could
"The fact that Athan can turn into a wolf form and not only him but also half the people with him can turn into wolfs and bats thereby giving them an edge over us" he replied
"Yeah, that's true but I could ask the rest of the vampire council to join in this fight which I know they would gladly do and you also know you can't be in the vampire council if you can't change into a wolf or bat, so I think we also have an edge" Callidora said in all confidence and I couldn't help but smile, she was always confident.

"So this matter is half settled, I have to get going but I would be back later" she further said and stood up, Cassius also standing with her. They both went towards the door but turned at the door,
"It's nice that you live in your parent's house, it's like awakening memories of them. I remember when they told me they were building a house outside the town to be able to get out of the troubles of our town sometimes and am really happy the house is still in shape" she said showing emotions for the first time since I knew her, she was always stiff-faced,
"Am happy to have found it still in shape after running for an hundred years" I replied and just like that the emotions erased from her face
"That running is about to stop for good" she said and went out the door with Cassius behind her and I sighed in relief for the first time in a long time.

I turned to look at the one person remaining in the room which was Mia and found her looking at me weirdly,
"What??!!" I asked for the second time that day
"You know what, am lost!" she said


Hey guys, here is another chapter and I hoped you liked it?, Pls, don't forget to vote and comment, thanks.

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