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   Mia's pov

   "Stop it" I screamed out. I couldn't bear the sight anymore.

  Two pairs of bloody eyes and a pair of drugged eyes turned on me. I saw the expression of relief on his face change to that of dismay before he blacked out and I knew I was in deep shit.
   I don't know why I hadn't gone back to the lecture room after whatever the hell happened in the male toilet and I don't know why I had followed them when I saw him following the hooded figure out of the college building.

   But I do know one thing, this situation was bad, real bad.
   "Look what we have here" one of the bloody eyes guy said as he started advancing on me. I searched around me looking for a way of escape or something to fight with but we were in a deserted alleyway and there was literally no one here. I turned back to face them only to find the guy in front of me. I screamed slightly in surprise, there was no way he could have gotten to my front just within the space of looking around me and back.

   I stepped back and he stepped forward, I stepped back again and he was about grabbing me when the other guy called to him, "Alaric, stop it. We need to go"
   "Yeah, we would go but just after I have a taste of her blood"
   "No time for that. For one, we can't call attention to ourselves just yet and the head Athan, is expecting us"
   I saw the light of hunger die in his eyes as he drew back from me. I breathed a deep sigh of relief until they started carrying Dylan. What the hell was happening here?, I had come  all the way here and nearly had contact with death, and they are just going to carry him away.

   "Wait!!" I called out. They turned to look at me impatiently.
   "Why are you taking him?" I asked
   "Don't be so curious lady or you would be visiting the grave sooner than you expected" the guy named Alaric answered me while looking at me hungrily. I started panicking, what was I going to do?.

   Suddenly, a man came out of nowhere and tackled one of them to the ground. I gasped loudly in surprise. The other guy dropped dylan and faced the man. "Cassius!, I didn't know you were still alive"
   "Blade!!, you wouldn't know but I know what you are looking for. Tell Athan that I said he won't get the ring and should forget about it" the man named Cassius answered.
    "You know we can't do that" the guy named Blade answered
    "Then that's too bad"

  He faced me, "Take him and run. Don't look back" he said to me just as the guy named Alaric delivered a punch to his face. He stumbled back and gave his own right back. I advanced to where Dylan was and was about carrying him when someone carried me and threw me away. I landed on the floor hard and winced at the pain.

  I stood up slowly and stretched my limbs painfully. The man named Cassius was defeating both of them and it was obvious he had experience in this kind of thing. The fight was all blurry and I wondered what I had gotten myself into with my curiosity.

   I approached dylan's body again and noone threw me away this time. I tried carrying him but he was too heavy, so I dragged his body gradually and slowly because of his weight out of the alley. When I got to the road, I passed another shortcut that would lead to my house because I couldn't be dragging a body around in daylight with everyone moving around.

  Close to an hour later, i got to me and bailey's house and I sat down heavily on the porch. Dragging a dead weight like that was bound to drain someone. I sat there for a minute or two to gather strength for dragging him inside before I stood up and opened the door.

  I searched around warily to ensure another bloody eyes individual hadn't followed me here. There was no other place to take him and I didn't know his house so the only option I had was bringing him to my house. I opened the door and dragged him in, his jacket was already torn in some places because of the twigs and sharp sticks around the woods.

  I laid him down on the couch in the living room before going to lock all doors and ensuring there was no place someone could enter without my knowing it. I went back to him and gasped when I saw an open wound closing. I blinked to make sure I had seen right but I didn't see any wound again.

   I looked at his whole body and noticed that some of the wounds were already gone. 'HOW!' I screamed in my head. Things were not making sense to me and I was having a very bad feeling about everything now. I had to learn to reign in my curiosity cause it was obvious that was what had brought me into this mess.

  I sat down near him and started the job of taking off his clothes. The jacket and shirt came off but I sure left the trousers on. My eyes popped wide open, his skin was as fresh as a skin which hadn't received beating but his has just received one so I expected lots of wounds and bruises. My eyes kept roaming around his chest looking for any sign that a beating had taken place on this body but I didn't realize when I started registering six abs, nice chest and a die-for body. I shook my head, such thoughts shouldn't even have access to my mind in such a situation.

   I stood up since there wasn't any cleaning up to do when a hand stopped me from standing up. I looked at it and saw dylan's hand on mine keeping me back. I was using my hand to remove mine from his grip when he started talking.
   I was at first surprised until I deciphered what he was saying.

   "Mom!........, I miss you so much. Why did you have to die?"

  I strained my ears for more but he became quiet. I sighed deeply, "you aren't the only one who lost someone you love" I mummured and finally loosened his grip on my hand. I stood up and headed to my room. I changed into some top and shorts before going back to the living room. There wasn't any hope of going back to school today so I went into the kitchen to whip something up. I was doing that when I felt a presence behind me.
    Without looking back, I reached for a knife and nearly screamed when a hand grabbed mine stopping me from taking it.

  I spinned around ready to claw madly only to see dylan behind me. He had his shirt back on already and I was glad. I couldn't get distracted by some gorgeous body right now.
   "I already you to stop the act of being creepy" I said turning away from him to the pot on the cooker.
   "How did you get us out of there?, Where are we?, "What were you thinking?" He asked sporadically.
   I turned back to him in an angry surprise.
   "I saved your ass from possible death and all you could ask was 'what was I thinking?'" I asked
   "What else was I supposed to ask about?"
   "Seriously!, You're asking me that?" I snorted out
   "You know what, forget it. Since you are all fine and looking all right, you can leave, I want nothing more to do with you or your trouble-filled life"
   "What do you mean by that?"
   "It was since I met you that I didn't understand things anymore. Things that are not logical kept happening and today was the last straw. Just go"
   "Fine, I will but I need to ask you something" he said just as I folded my arms across my waist.
   "How had you gotten us out of there?"
   "I didn't get us out. Some guy who looked pretty much like the guys who have been following you came out of nowhere and fought them and I used that opportunity to drag you through the woods and here"
   A particular look like that of hope filled his eyes and expression. "Could you describe him to me?"
   "Well..., He was tall, had a long dark hair packed at the back of his head and he looked like he was in his early thirties"
   "Oh my god, it couldn't be" he uttered and that was the first time I saw him smile since I first met him. His smile was beautiful, it brought life to his face and his already handsome face became brighter. I could only imagine him laughing.
   "Do you know him?" I asked
   "Sort of" he answered and skipped out of the house.

   I looked at him with surprise. He was really happy to see this person.


  I really hope you liked this chapter?. Every vote and comment will be appreciated.

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