Home with him

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(𝖓𝖇𝖆 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖇𝖔𝖞 𝖕𝖔𝖛)

Karma must've lost her mind I'm going to help her find it though. I run upstairs and start to pound on her door to let me in..so I can kill her basically. "Leave me alone and go call that dumb bitch" she shouts as loud as she can. "Oh hell nah now you lost your damn mind" I say going into my room to grab one of the keys for her room. I unlock her door and swings it open to see her sitting on her bed. "So what was that you were saying karma say it again" I say getting close to her my chest rising and falling slowly. "Y-you heard me kentrell" she says getting up like she regrets what she just did but doesn't want me to know.

"Oh but I think I didn't I want you to say it again so I can knock yo damn teeth out of your mother fucking mouth" I say getting in her face as she pushes me back. "I hate you. You did all of that to me for fun when you had a whole girl then when I wanted to leave you wanted me to sit on the couch and act like nothing happened I'm not no ones whore and I never will be not even for you" she says loudly her voice cracking as I stand there speechless. No one has ever said anything like that to me before I mean stood up to me leaving here... frozen I don't even know what to say back to this damn girl. I sigh "look karma it was wrong for me to do that to you I'm sorry. I should've told you about Yaya".
She rolls her eyes then I can see water building up in her eyes fuck I made the damn girl cry.

(𝕜𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒 𝕡𝕠𝕧)

He keeps trying to apologize but I don't want to hear it what I want is for him to go away. "Just leave me alone" I mumble. "No" he says his soft face going hard again. I roll my eyes hard at him. He pulls me by my arm close to him lifting me up on his shoulder I squirm trying to make him let me down but then he slaps my butt with his hand roughly. "Stop moving cause I swear to everything I'll drop you" he says throwing me on his bed. I sit up and get up "so can I go now" I say pushing past him. "No we're gonna watch a movie together" he say pulling me back. "Fine" I say rolling my eyes as he sits on his bed in the middle as I sit on the edge. "What movie?" He asks. "Don't know don't care" I say crossing my arms. He puts on some scary movie. I move closer to the edge "karma lay up here with me" he says sitting up. "No" I say rolling my eyes as he grabs my waist pulling me into him.

"Don't tell me no" he says holding me in place. "Kentrell stop it let me go now" I say slapping his face hard but not hard enough to hurt him. "Your going to regret that" he says deeply his lips crashing against mines.

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