Ultrasound part 2

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(𝖓𝖇𝖆 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖇𝖔𝖞 𝖕𝖔𝖛)
Once we're done getting dressed I go to check on k. "Yo ma you ready?" I ask knocking on her door. "Yes dad" she says which makes me laugh every time. I walk into her room and sees her in that outfit and damn she looks good as hell. "Damn you goin like that?" I ask. "Just going along with the plan like you said" she says grabbing her bag and phone. Once we're done we get into the car I decide to just drive today. So yaya is in the front an k is in the back the only reason it's like that is cause of the plan. We pull up to the doctors office and I see joe walking around why is this nigga over here. I hop out the car to help yaya out. "Hey wassup joe" I say getting yaya then karma out the car. "Aye wassup peop-.." he starts to say then he looks at yaya then at me while I nod. "Hey joe" karma says smiling flashing her teeth while smirking. "Hey lil k" he says. "Let's go" yaya says pushing past him
"Karma you know about it?" Joe whispers to k. "Of course I do" she says laughing.

(𝕜𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒 𝕡𝕠𝕧)
"Karma you can't come in so sit still and don't move" she says laughing while pulling him into the room. I roll my eyes. "Aye you wanna roll up in my car" joe asks. "Hell yeah" I says getting up and walking out with him. (Honestly why would joe be here I have no idea so yeah). He rolls it up and when I tell you this man is so fine the way he rolls the blunt oh my god. "You good" he asks snapping me out my thoughts. "Oh yeah I'm straight" I say laughing then handing him my lighter young boy gave me. "Appreciate it ma" he says lighting the blunt then smoking it. "Don't be stingy" I say trying to take it. "Girl you know damn well yo daddy would kill me if I gave this strong shit to your little ass." He says laughing. I roll my eyes "whatever Pussy" I mumble. His dark eyes dart up at me "what you called me" he says putting the blunt down. "I ain't say nothing nigga" I say rolling my eyes. "Nah you said something what you said nigga say that shit again I dare you".

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