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A young man, he looked around the age of 16, was running through the streets. in his left hand, a flashlight, in the other, a bloody baseball bat. He Growled, grinding his teeth as he came up to one of the creatures he had been killing all night. The walking dead, have been limping through the streets for the past three days. His eyes got wide as he pulled back his right arm, and with full force, hitting the lurker as hard as he could into the pavement. Blood splattered everywhere, some on his clothes, and some on his face, blending into his warm beige skin, some in his dark hair, He sighed deeply, tired from not getting any sleep since the attack from the dead started.

 Blood splattered everywhere, some on his clothes, and some on his face, blending into his warm beige skin, some in his dark hair, He sighed deeply, tired from not getting any sleep since the attack from the dead started

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He took a military backpack and flinched slightly hearing a sound coming from around the corner. He stood there, holding his breath and listening. After a while, almost blaming it on his lack of sleep, he heard it again. But it wasn't a lurker, at least he didn't think so. Usually, you could hear them three blocks down, but whoever, or whatever this was, was much quieter. He lifted his bat to his chest, narrowing his dark brown eyes, and slowly walked towards the street it was coming from. "Hey... Anyone there?"

A girl slowly walked out scared of him. "Just m-me..." She seemed to be 9 or 10, her hair was brown, she dawned brown eyes and warm ivory color skin. She wore a purple scarf, a gray swear, brown coat, and sneakers.

The Young man said "hey kid don't be scared

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The Young man said "hey kid don't be scared. I won't hurt you" she looked at him and said, "y-you won't?" The young man nodded and said, "I'm Isaac..." The girl whispered "my name is Amile" Isaac smiled at this and said "come on you can come with me to find a safe place for the night" amile agreed. They began walking down the street quietly. They could hear lurkers around but didn't worry much. Soon they found themselves at a lowe's. Isaac looked around and said "this might be a good place to hide in for the night" Amile looked around and said "A-Alright"

Isaac made his way inside with Amile beside him. He looked around to see the store was pretty much full of stuff to fortify. He smirked and said "this can house us for a while," Amile said, "but what about food?" Isaac said "oh well there's a Walmart nearby we can scavenge there in the morning" Amile smiled and said "good idea we'll go when the sun rises"

Isaac went to grab wooden planks and nails. He came back and started nailing the boards over the doors. After a while amile said "Isaac... I'm really hungry" he looked at her and said, "I think stores like these have snack sections why don't you go look for them?" She nodded and Isaac gave her his bat. After a few minutes, she came back with candy, beef jerky, and a few drinks.

She said, "here Isaac I thought you might want some" she gave him a bag of beef jerky and a bottle of soda. Isaac smiled and said "thanks, mil" he started eating. Amile frowned and said "don't call me mil," Isaac said "okay then" soon he finished boarding up the door. Isaac sat down and said, "so why were you alone?" She looked down sadly and said "my dad distracted those things so I could run... And I don't know where the rest of my family is" Isaac hugged her and said "I'm sorry that happened..." Amile was sniffling and said, "what about you?" Isaac sighed and said, "I had to kill my family..." Amile hugged him and said "I guess we'll have to survive with each other"

Isaac nodded and said "well we better get some rest if we're going to scavenge tomorrow" he smiled and took amile to the mattresses in the bedroom section of the store. She immediately fell asleep while Isaac looked through the backpack he grabbed and found a radio that had no batteries, a revolver, and some bullets. He sighed and put the radio down. He laid on a bed and fell asleep

After sleeping through the night the two survivors woke up. They both got up and prepared themselves to scavenge a nearby Walmart. Once inside they were met by some lurkers moving around. Isaac said "well time to smash some heads in" the lurkers immediately turned their attention to them and began attacking while Amile stood behind scared. After a few minutes, two lurkers remained. The one attacking Isaac disarmed him so he tried to reach for the revolver but it had fallen out. Amile ran for the bat and swung as hard as she could dazing the lurker but suddenly a gunshot went off killing that lurker. The two survivors looked to see a lurker in a police uniform aiming as it growled. Isaac slowly took the bat and approached it.

It looked at him as he made a run for it and bashed its head in scaring Amile. Isaac said, "how the hell did it use a gun?" Amile says "i-i don't know but let's just get our supplies and go..." Isaac nodded and walked through the aisles with her. As they were looking Isaac said "grab anything you can" Amile nodded and looked through the trashed aisles. Isaac grabbed water bottles, batteries of all kinds, ibuprofen, tactical knives, sleeping bags, and two pairs of boots. Amile grabbed two binoculars, watches, walkie-talkies, first aid kits, a can opener, canned food, matches, and lighter fluid. After a while of scavenging the survivors heard noises. Isaac whispered "Amile... Hide now" Amile went behind a counter and Isaac grabbed the revolver from his pocket. A Man's voice said "okay we grab what we need and leave nothing else" a girl's voice say "alright but what about those things in the front of the store?" The man's voice said "don't worry" Isaac took a deep breath and revealed himself with the revolver pointed at them

To be continued...

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