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As the sun rose Isaac opened his eyes to daisy licking his face. He laughed and said "come on daisy stop it" she barked and nuzzled him. He looked to his sides to see Amile and Kira sleeping peacefully "they're adorable when they sleep" He got up and looked around to see the other laying together asleep. "We're free for now. Let's just hope they aren't looking for us" as he spoke that he heard voices and noises outside. "Fuck I stand corrected" he grabbed a pistol with a silencer and sighed. He snuck his way to the entrance of the cave with Daisy. the footsteps got louder as he peeked out. he saw movement by some trees. He snuck over and thought of a plan as he peeked out from behind the tree to see Jaiden, Luna and Dean walking around. Isaac snuck over to Luna quietly then grabbed her in a chokehold.  He choked her out and set her on the ground. he shot dean then pulled out a knife and tried to silently kill Jaiden just incase there were others around. Isaac ran back to the cave and shook everyone awake "get up everyone we need to go" everyone groggily got up and asked what his issue was. he looked at them "those cult freaks are on our asses" everyone's eyes widened and they gathered their stuff. Isaac looked at Rodrigo and said "dude Luna is out there grab her and she'll tell us everything after some... persuasion" Rodrigo shrugged and tied her up then put her over his shoulder. They began to leave the cave and trek trough the forest trying to find another place to hide in. They got to a road and headed east which would hopefully take them to Kansas city after they got through the town of Lawrence. After twenty minutes luna awoke and exclaimed "what the fuck!?" Everyone looked at her. Kira said "shut it snake" luna laughed "make me bitch" kira clenched her fist as they all kept walking. Isaac gently hugged kira. "Ignore her shorty" kira looked at him and sighed "fine whatever giant" he chuckled "fear me" they played around and laughed together as the group walked down the road. Everyone kept an eye out for anything suspicious or lurkers as they walked down the road while Luna watched them annoyed. Nine hours later they got to the town of Lawrence. Isaac looked around then at the beautiful orange sky. "We should probably find somewhere to spend the night" kira looked at him and said "yeah being out at night makes us easy targets" they began to look for somewhere to stay as Luna continued to struggle. They arrived at a hotel and a pretty fancy one at that. They walked in with weapons drawn and looked around. They checked the rooms and tied Luna to a chair. Everyone sat together in the lobby. Isaac built a fire while kira began to ready ingredients. Once the fire was ready Isaac walked over to her. "Well miss chef the fire is ready for you" she smiled and hugged him "Thanks my cute assistant" he raised an eyebrow "cute? You must be thinking of anyone else. Anyway need help cooking?" She nodded and they walked over to the fire. Kira put a pot on the fire as Isaac opened some cans then handed them to Kira. She smiled and began to work her magic to make food. She hummed as they cooked together then leaned on Isaac's shoulder. He smiled and held her as everyone else sat together talking. The kids talked and played games by the others while Luna was locked in a room.  After awhile the food was ready. Isaac helped serve the food and everyone started scarfing down the food then praise Kira for the amazing food. Isaac smiled as he ate then spoke "I'd marry you if i could have this everyday" Kira blushed and smiled as she thought. "Then get me a ring" Rodrigo spoke "hey Isaac go feed our prisoner" he got up and made a plate for Luna then went into the room she was at. "Okay feeding time" she rolled her eyes as Isaac fed her like a child. She looked at him and said "Kira is trouble" Isaac smiled "shut it" she ate and smirked. "I mean she's the reason those hunters who killed misty came for us" He went silent. She spoke "did i hit a nerve" he kept feeding her and muttered "shut it Luna if you know what's good for you" she laughed "or what? Kira caused you to have to kill misty again" he gripped the spoon "leave Kira out of this! What happened wasn't her fault!" She laughed "but it's tru-" she was cut off by a slap to the face from Isaac. "Talk about Kira again and it won't be good for you" he left as she sat there surprised. He sat with the others pissed at Luna for bad mouthing Kira. Luna began to question his actions "he slapped me... Not even dad hit me. Is there something between him and Kira. He jumped in so fast to defend her. I thought that shit would make him hate her." The group stood around a map and talked about where to go. Isaac pointed east of Lawrence "we go east leaving Kansas for Missouri is the best option" everyone agreed with isaac

To be continued...

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