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Trigger warning: self-harm

Isaac had gone back to his room with daisy. Misty was awake and looking out the window. Isaac walked over "look who's awake from her nap" Misty looked at him. "I've been awake for awhile..." Isaac sat by her "Alright well i hope my jacket was comfortable" Misty slightly smiled. "Yeah it was" Isaac looked at her "Do you want to keep it?" Misty looked at him surprised "I can't possibly keep it." Isaac sighed "It's getting colder outside so you should keep it" Misty looked down at the jacket. "Won't you get cold?" Isaac shrugged "I'll find a new jacket" Misty nodded "Okay i'll keep it but tomorrow we go find you a new jacket" Isaac shrugged "sure but only after we scavenge some other supplies" Misty looked at him "What supplies do we need?" Isaac looked at her "Guns and ammo. I know everyone might not like it but we need to teach the kids how to use one" Misty's smile slightly fell "you're right not everyone's going to agree... I mean they're just kids" Isaac touched her hand. "Misty... You need to understand. We're either living or not. We're not little, we're not girls, we're not boys, we're not strong or smart, we're alive." Misty squeezed his hand. "That's actually a good way to think" Isaac nodded "yeah but that was a quote from a videogame character" Misty giggled "Then that video game is one wise person" Isaac smiled "you know i actually found some alcohol downstairs" Misty looked at him "okay..." Isaac pulled out a bottle of liquor from a bag "do you wanna try it with me?" Misty shrugged "I mean we're underage" Isaac looked at her "it's the end of the world" Misty looked at him then the bottle "give that to me" she opened it and took a big swig of it then immediately started coughing it out. "Oh god" Isaac chuckled "probably should have started slow" Isaac took the bottle and drank a little "yeah this tastes good" Misty laughed "maybe for you but what exactly is that shit?" Isaac looked at the label "Jack Daniel's Tennessee honey... Oh it's basically whiskey" Misty looked at him "damn we actually drank whiskey" Isaac laughed "I drank whiskey, you mostly spit it out" Misty punched his shoulder "shut up!" Isaac drank a little more. "Make me" Misty mumbled and Isaac offered the bottle to her. Misty took it and drank a little then swallowed "It tastes... sweet" Isaac smiled "do you like it?" Misty nodded "yeah..." Daisy soon walked over and looked up at the bottle. Isaac noticed "No Daisy... You know you can't drink that" Daisy whimpered and Isaac sighed "come on i'll get you some water" Isaac got up and grabbed a water bottle. Isaac put the water in a bowl as Daisy went over to drink the water. Isaac went back to misty only to see she drank a good amount of the whiskey. "How the hell did you drink that much in so little time?" Misty giggled "I don't... know" she drank more and Isaac grabbed the bottle "okay... I think you've had enough" misty whined "give it back..." She reached for the bottle and Isaac held it out of her reach. "No you've had enough" Misty spoke in a cutesy voice. "Pwease" Isaac resisted "no just go to b-" she grabbed his cheek and kissed him. Isaac's eyes widened and he let his guard down. Misty smiled and quickly grabbed the bottle then ran out the door. Isaac looked shocked and after a minute went after misty "Misty where are you?" He looked around then heard giggles coming from the stairwell. Isaac sighed and went over to see her sitting on the stairs "Alright you had your fun now come on" She shook her head and Isaac sighed. "You better get up or I'm carrying you" she looked at him seemingly drunk "you can try" Isaac sighed and went to pick her up. She squirmed a little but Isaac didn't care as he took her back to the room. "Stop squirming" he laid her on the bed then misty sighed "but i'm not tired..." Misty yawned and Isaac sighed "then just close your eyes" Misty did so and seemed to be asleep after awhile. Isaac sighed and pulled out his knife. "Hello old friend..." He heard a quiet voice "hey there buddy ready to use me again? It's been a couple of months, you know?" Isaac sighed "let's get this over with. I don't deserve my life... My parents should've survived not me" Isaac slowly started cutting into his forearm and watched as the blood dripped out of his cuts. Out of nowhere misty sat up and looked at Isaac's cuts "Where'd those come from?" Isaac looked at her "what are you talking about? there's nothing on my arm" misty crawled over and pointed at the cuts. "Then what's this?" Isaac looked down and stayed quiet. Misty touched his shoulder and hugged him from behind. "Tell me what's wrong? Why'd you do this to yourself?" Isaac stayed silent and Misty held him from behind "Alright you don't have tell me but please let me bandage your arm" Isaac nodded and mumbled out "okay..." Misty got up and made her way over to a duffel bag. She looked through it and pulled out a first aid kit then came back. She sat by Isaac and grabbed his arm. Isaac hissed in pain which made misty loosen her grip "sorry i didn't mean to hurt you" Isaac nodded "It's fine just... Hurry up and bandage it" she nodded and started cleaning his cuts. Isaac hissed and cursed quietly "god fucking damn it..." Misty listen to his cursing and started to bandage the cuts. Isaac looked at the bandage and sighed "thanks..." Misty nodded and got on the bed. "Come on let's get some rest we have a long day tomorrow..." He laid his head on the pillow facing misty. Misty turned off the lights and laid by him. "Goodnight..." Isaac and misty closed they're eyes "night..."

To be continued...

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