Sinner of wrath

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Isaac sat there contemplating what his decision would be. "If I agree we get good treatment but if I don't he'll probably give us trouble. Fuck I want to punch that stupid smug smirk off his face" The man laughed "Made up your mind yet?" Isaac Looked away "I'm still thinking damnit. wipe that stupid smug smirk off your face or I'll wipe it off for you" The man raised an eyebrow "I'd love to see you try" Isaac smirked "Is that an invitation to punch you?" the man rose and locked the door "Give me your best shot" Isaac got up and walked over "Gladly" He got ready and punched the man hard in the face but it did basically nothing to the man. The man smirked "Is that the best you got?" Isaac mumbled and tried again but as he did he got a blow to the gut from the man. "nice try" Isaac fell to his knees coughing as the man crouched down "maybe you're not as strong as I thought. If you do accept the deal you'll have to pass a test first" the man laughed as Isaac continued to cough. Isaac looked at him "what kind of test?" The man smirked "Kill a walker with your bare hands" Isaac tilted his head "A walker?" The man nodded "Yeah a Walker. you know one of those things out there" Isaac coughed more "Is that what you call those lurkers?" Isaac got up "fine whatever I can do that no problem" The man smirked and laughed "Sure you will" He took Isaac down to an arena type place where the others were locked behind bars and a pair of hands poked out of another cage. Isaac got ready and the group watched as he stood there ready to fight. people watched from behind a glass wall as the man spoke "well everyone It's time for this sinner's test. if he passes he will join us. Because I Clayton your leader sees potential in him" Isaac began laugh "your name is clayton? like Tarzan clayton?" He looked at Isaac "Yes is there something funny about that?" Isaac nodded "Yup it's a dumb name" clayton rolled his eyes "Whatever just get ready to fight" he left him in the arena as the hands kept poking out the cage. Isaac got ready and the cage opened. Isaac's eyes widened as a Shambling Misty walked out the cage. His mouth sat agape as she moved towards him "No No No this can't be..." he stepped back as he looked at her milky white eyes "How? why?" tears formed in his eyes as she growled and moved closer. "Mist please I know you're in there..." her eyes flashed green for a moment before becoming milky white again. Isaac dodged as she lunged at him "Mist, please don't do this!" she growled and lunged at him again as everyone in the group watched with different expressions. tears trickled down his face as walker misty pinned him "please misty I know the real you is still in there..." she leaned down about to bite him before she could her eyes turned faintly green before she said "Isaac... help" he got her off and rushed to get up as her eyes became milky white again. she crawled towards him and groaned. he looked around and sighed as tears drenched his cheeks. he took a deep breath and kicked her away. it made her roll away but she crawled back towards him immediately. he stomped on her head as she growled. after a bit the growls turned into sobs "Isaac stop it hurts..." he stopped and looked at the girl he once loved. her haunting green eyes staring back at him. "please stop baby..." Isaac turned to look at Amile in the cage with the others "mil, James, Jamie look away hug Kira and close your eyes. they closed their eyes and hugged Kira. Isaac looked at Kira and she nodded. he sighed and raised his foot up but Misty got up and pushed him down and began to try and bite him. He tried to push her off as her milky eyes gazed into this. he took a deep breath and kicked her off then got up. he rushed over and stomped on her head repeatedly till eventually his foot went into her head. amile looked over as he did and screamed in horror as Kira watched the horrific scene with a smile then covered amile's eyes. after a bit the scene was over and clayton walked over to Isaac. "someone passed the test" Isaac growled "fuck you man" he was taken back to the group and they were taken to a place with better sleeping conditions. Amile continued to cry and Isaac sat on a bed with his face in his hands. "I can't believe I did that" Kira comforted Amile as the others looked at Isaac with different expressions ranging from sadness to anger. Cole grabbed him by the jacket "You fucking bastard! you killed her! She was still in there!" He shook Isaac but Isaac didn't react as he was shook. Rodrigo stopped Cole "Chill dude Isaac didn't wanna do it" Emma looked at him "I'm sorry did your friend get her head stomped in? no? then shut the fuck up" Alice sighed "you both need to calm down" The kids clinged to Kira as the four teens fought. she yelled at them "all of you shut up and calm down. okay I get that your friend is dead but she died before today that was a lurker not a human. sure maybe a piece of her was still there but that would just be hell. trapped in their own body. Isaac gave her mercy." everyone sat down and sighed. the kids let Kira go and she sat with Isaac. she looked at him "hey you o-" he gently hugged her "thanks for calming them down" she smiled and hugged back "it was no problem" he smiled a bit then sighed "do you think mil will be okay?" Kira looked away "hopefully" they laid down together and hugged each other before drifting off together

To be continued...

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