Escape Plan

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Isaac looked up at the high ceiling and saw a small ledge and a skylight. "Huh? That could work." He walked over to Alice and Rodrigo. "You guys find anything?" Alice shook her head "this gate is pretty sturdy" Rodrigo looked at Isaac "you find something?" Isaac nodded and pointed to the skylight and the ledge. "that's our way out" Alice sighed "how will we get up there?" Isaac shrugged "we have to figure that out" Rodrigo looked at Isaac's "damn she hit you hard" Isaac chuckled "yeah she's got one strong slap" Alice looked at him then Rodrigo. "It was weird she only hit him after he mentioned you know who" Rodrigo nodded as Kira walked over. "There's no way out through the walls so how did your searches go?" Isaac looked at her "the gate is sturdy as hell but look" he pointed at the skylight and ledge. Kira looked at it "I can make it up there"  Isaac looked at her. "Uh no offense but you're kinda short" she looked at him "yeah but I'm also light so you're gonna toss me up." He blinked "what?" She smiled "you heard me" Isaac shrugged "yeah but we need a key for the gate. So we'll have to get that too but For now let's just rest." They nodded and laid on some cots. Kira walked over to Isaac "uh hey could i lay with you again?" He moved a bit "sure" she laid down and Isaac's arms wrapped around her. She smiled as they both drifted off

The next day arrived quick and they both were woken up by a punch to their sides. Isaac opened his eyes and Kira yelped. Isaac looked at them and saw it was a guard. "Wake up you little shits" Isaac got up "touch her again and I'll end you" He laughed "sure you will" he reached for Kira but Isaac instinctively punched him hard to the ground. "What did i tell you!?" He started to punch him repeatedly and somehow managed to snatch his key. He slipped it to Kira before someone grabbed him and pulled him off the guard. "Dean I thought I told you not to provoked them" the guard stood up "it's not my fault that sinner of wrath has a short fuse" Isaac looked confused "sinner of wrath?" Dean nodded "yeah unless they messed up your marking" Isaac looked at his hand "this thing?" Kira got up and the other guard spoke "shush you. We got work for you" they dragged Isaac, Rodrigo and Cole out the room then locked the gate. The three guys were separated. Isaac was taken into a place full of wooden boards. The guard said "board up those windows" Isaac looked at him "make me" he shoved him forward and hit him with the butt of his rifle. He tried to get up but he was shoved down again. "You wanna say that again?" Isaac squirmed but to no avail as more pressure was put on his back. "AHH! Get off me you fuck head!" The guard laughed "make me" After a bit a scratchy deep voice belted out "GET OFF HIM NATE!" the guy who Isaac assumed was Nate took his foot off him and forced him up onto his feet. "Get to work cause my boss won't save your ass again" Isaac scoffed "Yeah whatever you fuck head" He grabbed some stuff and began boarding up windows as Nate watched him and a few other people.

Cole was dragged into a room with a desk and a bunch of ammo magazines. Luna sat there and sighed. "uh hi Cole..." Cole looked at her and narrowed his eyes. "Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch" He sat down and Luna sighed. "look you got the easy job. just load these magazines" He rolled his eyes "And what if I do-" Before he could finish he felt the barrel of a gun being put to the back of his head. Luna sighed "Or Dean here will blow your head off"  Cole looked at her. "Fine whatever bitch one and bitch two" he began to load magazines with Luna as Dean kept an eye on him.

Rodrigo was taken onto the roof where Jaiden stood by a greenhouse. "God fucking damnit, Hey take me back I'd rather die than be in the same place as him" the person rolled their eyes "Don't be a baby" He pushed rodrigo forward onto the ground. Rodrigo slowly got up "pieces of shit... Fine what the hell do you want?" Jaiden took him into the green house. "Start picking berries dingus" he rolled his eyes and started to pick what looked like blueberries. He glanced around and saw some people doing the same.

Back in the room Kira, Alice and Emma sat together with the kids. Emma looked at Alice. "Do you think the guys are okay?" Alice sighed "i hope so but kira can i ask you something?" She nodded "go ahead" Alice rubbed her neck "why do you act so aggressive when misty is mentioned?" Emma looked at both of them as the kids played. Kira looked away "what are you talking about?" Alice touched her shoulder "you can tell us we won't judge" Emma walked over "yeah trust us your secret is safe with us" kira sighed "I just wanted him to see the picture that's all" Emma looked at her "you sure it isn't the fact you have a crush on him" kira turned a little pink "Wh-What? That's dumb" Alice raised an eyebrow "then why are you blushing?" She hid her face "i'm n-" before she could finish the gate opened and the guys were tossed inside. She moved her hands and ran over to them to see Isaac and Rodrigo slightly hurt. "What happened? Are you two okay?" Isaac nodded "yeah takes a lot more to put us down" they laughed and kira hugged him "what did they dom" Isaac shrugged "they made us do labor and well me and Rodrigo refused so they roughed us up a bit but we're fine" Rodrigo nodded then Alice rushed over and tackled him in a hug.

To be continued...

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