I love you

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As Kira hugged Isaac she though "should I just tell him how I feel" Isaac looked at her "hey shorty you okay? you're really quiet" Kira blinked and nodded "yeah just thinking is all"  Emma watched and laughed a bit. Isaac shrugged "what's on your mind?" He gently grabbed her chin and looked into her eyes. Her face turned beet red "oh uh... um.." Isaac got closer "yes?" she began to stutter and move away. Alice and Rodrigo got up and laughed a bit "I think you broke her" Kira covered her face and mumbled. Isaac smiled "oh come on don't tease her like that even though it does make her look even cuter when she's embarrassed" She moved to a cot and sat down quietly. Emma sat with her "you okay?" Kira shrugged and Emma put a hand on her shoulder. "sorry we all teased you well except the kids" Kira mumbled "it's fine I just need a minute" Emma nodded "alright but you should really tell Isaac how you feel before it's too late. she got up and walked over to the kids as Kira sat there thinking. she looked over Isaac who was getting his injuries checked. Kira sighed and thought "I guess I should tell him but I just hope he doesn't friendzone me"  she took deep breaths as her blush dissipated. she sighed and talked to herself. "alright just go over and tell him it's not that hard, right?" she watched the two and wondered if he was really okay.  she got up and walked over nervously. "uh hey Isaac" Isaac looked at her "oh hey what's up?" She shook her head "nothing I just wanna tell you something" Isaac raised an eyebrow "Okay and sorry about teasing you. it just makes you look so cute when you blush" she smiled  a little "It's fine but I wanna tell you I l-" she was cut off by Amile running over and tugging on Isaac's arm saying "come see what we drew" She dragged away as he up a finger to Kira to tell her to wait. She sighed and looked at the guy that was helping Isaac. "was he okay?" The guy looked at her "yeah just some scrapes and bruises  but you seem to have some injuries too" she hid her arm and said "Oh no worries it's nothing big" He shrugged "okay but maybe I should show you how to treat injuries since that guy was a little aggressive when I helped him so maybe if his girlfriend helped him he'd be more calm" Kira looked away "I'm not his girlfriend..." He blinked "oh um sorry I guess I just assumed but would you like to learn?" she nodded quietly and sat down as he began to show her how to treat injuries.

meanwhile Isaac sat with Amile, Jamie and James. James showed him a drawing of a T-Rex. Isaac smiled "well that's cool" James smiled and high fived Isaac. Jamie showed him a drawing of a monarch butterfly. Isaac blinked "wow you got some skill" they fist bumped and smiled. Isaac turned to Amile and she showed him a drawing of him and Kira holding hands with a heart between them. Isaac's cheeks slowly grew red as she showed him the drawing. He covered his cheeks and smiled. "that was amazing mil" they hugged and Isaac walked over to Kira. she looked at him "you okay? you're a little red" he nodded and Kira put her hand on his forehead "let's at least check to see if you have a fever" He let her and asked "so what did you want to tell me?" She looked at him "hmm? oh um well I wanted to tell you that... well...  I um l-" Again she was cut off by Isaac being grabbed by Dean "come on the boss wants to see you" Isaac struggled "wait no let me go" He was dragged away as Kira looked down "I love you..." Isaac was taken to a room where a man sat at a desk. "come here and take a seat." Isaac got up and quietly sat down. "what do you want?" the man smiled "I just wanna talk to you sinner of wrath" Isaac rolled his eyes "my name is Isaac not sinner of wrath." the man looked at him "anyway i wanna make you a deal" Isaac raised an eyebrow "what kind of deal?" the man smirked  "if you become a guard then I will give your group special treatment" Isaac rolled his eyes "and if I don't take your deal?" the man smirked "I'll make your lives hell" Isaac began to think it over as the man watched

To be continued...

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