The New People

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Several months after the outbreak...

Everyone sat on chairs as they ate some beans. Isaac looked at his food and said "how long have we been stuck here?" Rodrigo looked at him and said "I lost track but I think five months" Amile looked at Isaac and said "that's a long time" Alice quietly chuckled and said, "it is." A long silence started until Isaac said "so should we try the radio again?" Everyone shrugged and Isaac sighed as he turned on the radio. It crackled with static as Isaac turned the dial. Nothing stood out as Isaac checked the stations. After half an hour a loud crash and groans started outside. They closely listened as loud groans came from outside and faint yells for help could be heard. Everyone looked at each other and Isaac said "I'll go check it out" Amile quietly said "be careful Isaac" He slowly crept out the back door with an ax and a knife. He made his way to the front of the lowes where a bunch of lurkers was shuffling around and groaning. Out of nowhere, he could hear a little girl "please somebody help we're stuck in here!" Isaac looked around and saw where the voice was coming from. A few yards away was a dark blue van surrounded by a bunch of lurkers. Isaac got behind cover as the voice kept calling out. Isaac slowly made his way to the van while killing a few lurkers in front of him. The lurkers turned their attention to him as they growled and shuffled towards him. Isaac stabbed them in the head and called out to the girl "hey it's safe to come out now" the van door slowly opened and a few people stepped out. A guy around Isaac's age, a boy who looked around eight, and a girl who looked ten

 A guy around Isaac's age, a boy who looked around eight, and a girl who looked ten

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The guy looked at Isaac and said "thank you" Isaac looked at them and said, "don't thank me yet

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The guy looked at Isaac and said "thank you" Isaac looked at them and said, "don't thank me yet..." He pointed to the lurkers shuffling towards them. The guy sighed and Isaac handed him the ax Isaac walked up to a lurker and kicked it in the knee which let him stab it in the head while it was down. The guy killed a few lurkers and said "walking dead?" Isaac looked at him and said "yes, now come on" he killed one more lurker and ran as the three followed him. Isaac went into the Lowe's and grabbed the revolver from his bag. As the three people came inside Isaac aimed his revolver at them and said:: "alright you three what are your names and why did you come here?" They put their hands up and the guy said "alright man just calm down I'm cole the little girl is Jamie and the boy is James. We came here to rendezvous with some others" Isaac narrowed his eyes and said "what others?" Before they could answer Amile and Rodrigo came by to see what the problem was. Rodrigo said "The hell man?!" Isaac lowered his gun and said I was just making sure they weren't a threat" Rodrigo looked at him and said "yes Isaac two kids are big threats" Isaac sighed and said "can we at least make sure they're not infected?" Rodrigo laughed a little and said "sure" Isaac walked over to cole and grabbed a thermometer from his bag. Isaac checked his temperature and said "looks like you're clean now the other two. Hey amile and Rodrigo could you set up a bed for our guests" they nodded and left to set up a bed for the unexpected guests. Isaac looked at the thermometer and cleaned it as he said, "okay who's next?" James stepped forward and said I am" Isaac gave him the thermometer and waited. After a minute it showed a reading of ninety-eight degrees Fahrenheit. Isaac nodded and said "you're clean and now your sister needs to be checked" Isaac cleaned the thermometer and gave it to Jamie. After another minute it showed one hundred-two degrees. Isaac looked at it and said "it looks like you have a fever... Did you get bit by anything?" Jamie seized up and said "n-n-no" Isaac crouched down to her level and said "Jamie... Are you sure? I just want to make sure." Jamie yelled "NO! I didn't get a bit" everyone rushed over to see why she yelled. Rodrigo immediately said,d "okay Isaac what did you do this time?" They all looked at him and Isaac said "Jamie here is running a fever" everyone looked at them and Alice said, "fever is a symptom of infection, right?" Isaac nodded and looked at cole. He said, "so cole you tell me did Jamie get bit?" Cole looked him in the eyes and said "she didn't get a bit" Isaac looked at him than Jamie before saying "alright believe you" cole blinked and said, "you do?" Isaac nodded and said "you looked me in the eyes and told me she wasn't bit, so believe you. Now come on you guys must be hungry and we have medicine for that fever" the trio followed Isaac over to a fire with a pot next to it. Isaac served three bowls and handed them to them. They looked at the beans and began to eat as Isaac looked through a bag. Isaac pulled out a water bottle and another bottle of ibuprofen. He gave them to the trio and said "ration the water and give Jamie some ibuprofen for that fever" cole nodded and thanked him. As time ticked by everyone went back to doing what they were up to. Isaac sat with cole and said "hey so about the others. who was going to rendezvous here with you?" Cole pulled out a walkie-talkie and said "two girls but haven't heard anything from them since we got separated" "have you tried contacting them?" Isaac asked as cole looked at the radio. "N,o but maybe I should" he turned on the walkie-talkie and spoke, e "Emma do you read me?" The walkie-talkie buzzed and a female voice came over the walkie-talkie "cole? Oh thank go,d yeah we read you but we're a little trapped" "where are you trapped?" After a few seconds,s the voice came back on "in a pharmacy on the walnut street" "hey that's not too far from here" Isaac said and cole looked at him. "Oka, Emma are you safe there?" "Yea,h me and misty are in an employee area so pretty safe" "Emma stay where you are I'll come to get you" "No! Cole you got those kids so we'll just wait it out" cole looked at Isaac and then said, "what if I send someone to help you guys out?" "Who would you send?" "A new acquaintance" "alright when should we expect them?" Cole looked to Isaac as Isaac said "tonight I'll help you gals out just stay put and I'll be there in an hour" "alright and thank you whoever you are" "don't thank me yet" the walkie-talkie shut of and cole sighed. "Batteries died..." "That's too bad but I'll help them no matter what" Isaac punched his shoulder jokingly and looked at amile who was asleep and holding Jamie like she was a teddy bear. "Those two are adorable together" cole nodded and said "I don't mean to upset you but you two don't look related... Are her parents? You know?" "I Don't know but she's my responsibility now" cole looked down and said "alright I'm sorry if I overstepped" "no worries man and I should get going if I'm going to help your friends" Isaac got up and grabbed some equipment. He grabbed a walkie-talkie, revolver, knife, and his bat. Cole looked at him and said "be careful man" Isaac nodded and went outside to his car. He started the engine and began to drive to the pharmacy but the car stopped one mile and a half from the pharmacy. Isaac groaned and popped the trunk open. He grabbed a pump, a plastic hose, and a,n empty gas can. Isaac walked over to a car and pried open the gas cap. "This will take a while" he put the hose in the tank then used the pump to get gasoline out and into the can. After several cars he ha, enough gas for his car. "That should be enough" he took the can to his car and filled his gas tank up. He got in and started driving to the pharmacy again

To be continued...

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