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8 hours after arriving at Lawrence the group woke up at dawn to get ready to head east. They packed up and looked at Luna who sat in her chair snoring. Kira looked at her then at Isaac as she asked "what are we gonna do with the traitor?" 

Isaac sighed "I'm not really sure". Rodrigo stared at the sleeping Luna and said "we could use her to tell us where to go. She knows this area better than us and if she tricks us we give her as food to some lurkers". Alice smirked "seems like a swell idea to me". 

Isaac looked away "I say we just kill her now". Everyone looked shocked at his suggestion while Kira shrugged "I second that decision" Rodrigo sighed "we're not killing her now let's get a move on" 

Rodrigo picked her up as the others collected their supplies and began to leave. As the relentless sun beat down on the wasteland that once was Lawrence, the group trudged forward hoping not to run into Luna's group. They walked for hours through the town till they got to the rural part of the east. 

The landscape gradually transformed from dilapidated buildings and rubble to open fields and overgrown vegetation as the group ventured deeper into the rural outskirts. The air was thick with humidity, and the scent of decaying plant life mingled with the faint whiff of something else, something that hinted at undead dangers.

Isaac wiped the sweat off his brow with the back of his hand, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of trouble. He couldn't shake off the unease that came with traveling with a traitor, even if she was currently unconscious in Rodrigo's arms. Luna had been a member of their group, but her true allegiance had been revealed when she sold out the group.

Kira walked alongside Isaac, her gaze fixed on the road ahead. "We can't ignore the fact that Luna might still be a threat," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need to figure out what to do with her sooner rather than later."

Isaac nodded, his expression tense. "I know, but it's not an easy decision. Killing her outright feels wrong, but we can't afford to have someone who might betray us again."

Alice chimed in, her voice laced with a cold determination. "We don't have time for sentimentality. If she's willing to jeopardize our lives once, she'll do it again. We need to put the safety of the group first."

Rodrigo, who had been mostly silent, tightened his grip on Luna as he listened to the conversation. "I understand your concerns, but let's remember that she still knows this area better than any of us," he said, his tone measured. "We can't deny the value of her knowledge. But if she betrays us again, we'll deal with her accordingly."

As they continued their march, the group's discussion gradually shifted toward devising a plan to confront Luna. They agreed that she would be kept under close surveillance, and her actions would determine her fate. If she showed any signs of further betrayal, they would be forced to take drastic measures.

Hours passed, and the scorching sun began to sink lower in the sky. Fatigue weighed heavily on their bodies, but their determination pushed them forward. The rural landscape seemed endless, with no sign of civilization or shelter in sight.

Finally, as the group trudged along a dusty road, their weary eyes caught a glimpse of a small structure in the distance. It stood amidst the overgrown fields, its wooden frame weathered by time. It appeared to be an old farmhouse.

Rodrigo's gaze met Isaac's, and without a word, they veered towards the farmhouse. As they approached, caution replaced weariness, and they surveyed the surroundings for any signs of danger. The creaking of the wooden porch and the buzzing of insects filled the silence.

Inside the farmhouse, the group found a sheltered respite from the unforgiving wasteland. They settled down, placing Luna in a secluded corner, still unconscious. The room was dimly lit, casting eerie shadows on the worn-out furniture and peeling wallpaper.

The decision about Luna's fate still weighed heavily on their minds, but for now, they needed to regroup and replenish their energy. As they sat in the flickering candlelight, they knew that the challenges ahead would test their resolve and unity. The journey was far from over, and the group had to stay vigilant, both against external threats and the lurking shadow of betrayal within their own ranks.

The farmhouse offered a temporary sanctuary, but its worn-out walls and creaking floorboards reminded them of the fragility of their situation. Isaac stared at the flickering candle, lost in thought. He knew that the group's survival depended on making tough choices, even if they went against their principles.

Kira broke the silence, her voice laced with weariness and concern. "We can't let our guard down. Luna's betrayal has shaken our trust, but we mustn't let it tear us apart. We need to find a way to move forward together, despite the uncertainty."

Alice nodded, her eyes glinting with determination. "Our strength lies in unity. If we start turning against each other, we're as good as dead. We need to confront Luna and extract any valuable information she may have, but we must do it without descending into chaos."

Rodrigo, who had been keeping a watchful eye on Luna, chimed in. "Agreed. We can't let her actions define us. We'll give her a chance to prove her loyalty, but if she betrays us again, we won't hesitate to take decisive action."

Isaac's gaze hardened as he looked around the dimly lit room. "We'll keep a close watch on her, but we can't afford to linger here. We must press on and find a safer location to reassess our situation. Luna's knowledge may be useful, but it's a risk we'll have to navigate carefully."With a collective understanding, the group rose from their seats and began preparing to continue their journey. They gathered their supplies, ensuring their weapons were loaded and ready. The atmosphere was tense, but an unspoken determination pulsed through their veins. As they stepped out of the farmhouse, the last rays of sunlight disappeared beyond the horizon. The wasteland lay cloaked in darkness, with only the moon and scattered stars offering faint illumination. Each step they took was a testament to their resilience, their refusal to succumb to the harsh reality that surrounded them.

With Luna still unconscious, Rodrigo carried her carefully, a constant reminder of the challenges they faced within their own ranks. Their path lay ahead, winding through unknown territory. The group tightened their formation, moving in a cohesive unit, trusting in their shared purpose.

The journey through the rural landscape continued, the night air heavy with anticipation. They traveled in silence, their footsteps muffled by overgrown grass and echoes of distant creatures. Each passing moment brought them closer to an uncertain future, where trust and survival were intertwined.

As they pressed onward, a renewed sense of determination settled within their hearts. They would face whatever awaited them, both external threats and the potential for betrayal. Their unity would be their strength, a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. Together, they would navigate the treacherous path ahead, unwavering in their pursuit of a better tomorrow.

To be continued...

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