Escape Attempt

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A couple weeks after the whole test with Clayton everyone sat together Talking. Isaac looked at everyone "It's time we go" kira nodded "yeah by the way i noticed this room is the exact same as the other room just bigger" everyone looked around the room and saw she was correct. Isaac looked at the ledge "but we still have to get that gate open" Kira smirked "i can pick locks remember?"  Isaac chuckled. "Right I forgot" He looked at her wistfully as she grabbed a few paper clips. Rodrigo snapped Isaac out of his daze "so when are we gonna execute this plan?" Isaac blinked "if we all do our parts tomorrow night maybe" every one nodded and went to lay on their cots as kira longingly gazed at Isaac. She laid down and closed her eyes.

The next day arrives and the group began doing their jobs. Rodrigo and Cole were taking stock as Isaac guarded the door. Once the coast was clear they filled a duffel bag with food and supplies. Meanwhile Alice put some weapons in a secret compartment in the armory. Kira sat in the room taking care of the kids as she waited for the others to return. Amile looked at Kira and asked, "Are we gonna escape?" Jamie looked at Kira "yeah Kira are we gonna get free" Kira sighed "We're gonna try" Kira sits there waiting for everyone and goes quiet. Amile gently hugged Kira then showed her the drawing she made. Kira stared at the drawing of her and Isaac holding hands with a heart between them as a small blush crossed her beautifully dark chocolate face. Kira stops blushing and looks away. Isaac walked in with the others. They all sat together and began discussing how their part of the plan went. Emma looked at Isaac "Hey by the way Isaac I found Daisy" Isaac perked up "You did!?" She nodded and Isaac hugged her as he repeatedly said "thank you thank you thank you" Kira watched a little infuriated then walked over and a little forcefully separated them "are you two done cause we need to get ready" Emma looked at her "what's the rush? We leave later tonight" Kira scowled "I just wanna make sure we get out" Emma sighed "We got a lot of time to prep-" Isaac cut her off "No Kira's right we can't celebrate early" Kira smiled, happy that Isaac was on her side. Emma scoffed "fine whatever you say boss" Kira looked at Isaac "Boss?" Isaac chucked and rubbed his neck "i am the leader, right?" Kira giggled and nodded. "Yeah i guess you are" Isaac looked at the beds "Let's get some rest eh?" Kira nodded and they both laid down.

After a few hours they awoke to Amile shaking them. They got up and stretched then went over to the others. Isaac looked at everyone "y'all ready?" everyone nodded and Isaac looked at Kira "ready to shine?" she smirked and nodded. Kira looks around to make sure no one is around before she has Isaac throw her up to the ledge. She climbed out a sunroof and made her way to another entrance she climbed in. she landed in front of the gate and began picking the lock. she concentrated and finally opened it. she looked at everyone and went quiet. Isaac smiled "good job" Rodrigo got the duffle bag, Alice got some weapons, Emma retrieved daisy and Isaac led them all to their escape route Kira followed staying quiet the whole time. Isaac gently held her hand so they didn't get separated. Kira moved her hand away and kept walking. Isaac sighed but kept her in front of him as the kids held onto Cole, Rodrigo and Alice. Kira stops and lets everyone pass her and thinks. Isaac sticks with her and helps out through the hole Kira starts walking again and looks at Isaac. He smiles and goes out the hole with her as they run to the woods. Kira follows and holds Isaac's hand. He smiles "Kira you're a fucking legend" Kira looks at Isaac and smiles a little then waits until she gets deep into the forest and she lets his hand go. The group stood a few yards away as Isaac hugged Kira "You were our saving grace" Kira blinked then hugged back "oh well it was nothing just something I taught myself to do" Isaac smiled "I Could kiss you right now" Kira blushes "well you can nothing will stop you" Isaac chuckled "Or i could wait and give you something more than a kiss" Kira thinks then looks at Isaac "oh really like what" the group talked and Isaac learned in then whispered in her ear "sex" Kira blushes hard then she moves away and covers her face. Isaac chuckled and took her hand in his as they walked somewhere with the group. Kira follows and keeps blushing. Suddenly it began to drizzle and they took shelter in a cave. Kira looks around and sits on the ground. Some of the group laid down and Isaac and Amile sat with Kira. Kira leans on Isaac and closes her eyes. He held her and Amile copied Kira so Isaac would hold her too without noticing Kira falls asleep on Isaac. Amile drifts off to and Isaac smiles holding the two people he cares for the most. Kira and Amile stay asleep as Isaac holds them. He hummed and fell asleep with them happily.

To be continued...

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