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As they drove to Bartlesville everyone was silent. Isaac sighed and glanced at the rearview mirror to see Amile staring out the window. "Amile... How are you feeling?" She mumbled, "my head hurts..." Isaac smiled slightly "yeah getting shot in the eye will do that to you, Mil" Amile looked at Isaac "I hate that nickname..." Isaac shrugged. "Would you prefer I call you shitbird?" Misty immediately hit Isaac while Amile frowned. Isaac rubbed his shoulder "Ow mist that hurt" Misty glared at him. "Good it was supposed to also did you call me mist?" Isaac nodded as he looked straight ahead while driving. "Yeah unless you have an objection" Misty looked at him "I mean sure call me whatever" Amile leaned back. "I still hate my nickname" Isaac sighed "Alright then what do you want me to call you?" Amile shrugged "I don't know just not Mil" Jamie looked at them. "How about marshmallow? Since you're so sweet" Amile grinned "Yeah I want that to be my nickname" Isaac laughed "Alright, marshmallow" Misty smirked "But someone doesn't have a nickname" Isaac kept silent as he drove. Misty giggled "What should we call you? Maybe Goober" Isaac shook his head "Nope absolutely not" Misty smiled "Okay what about, Pookie?" Isaac gave her a side glance "No I hate that even more..." Misty gave him a pout "Fine then... Your nickname is snuggles since I slept on you" Isaac smiled "I want to say no so you continue pouting but... That was pretty accurate" Misty thought "No duh it's accurate" Isaac looked at her "I guess I'm snuggles now but mist I think you forgot that you were the one who wanted to sleep on me" Misty got slightly embarrassed "yeah so what..?" Isaac smirked "Nothing it's just You act like a toddler when you're tired" Misty mumbled "No I don't" Isaac kept driving then raised an eyebrow. "You made me pick you up" she mumbled incoherently and looked away. "You're the one who let me act like that" He looked at her and smiled "so it's my fault?" Misty nodded "Yeah it is..." Isaac shrugged "okay I won't let you sleep on me again." Misty realized what he said and looked at him. "Fine then..." After a while, everyone got to Bartlesville. Isaac parked with the others and got out of the truck. Isaac looked at them "so now we need to find a place to stay" Luna immediately replied "oh there's a hotel around here me and Jaiden use to stay at when we came over here" Jaiden chuckled "but we don't have a reservation for that hotel" Luna looked at him "now's not the time to joke around" Jaiden shrugged "whatever you know it's funny" Rodrigo looked at them "so we're going to a hotel" Isaac shrugged "guess so... Well luna where is this hotel?" Luna took a moment to think "if I remember correctly It should be on Dewey Avenue and Silas street" Isaac looked at her "then let's get going" Everyone got into the vehicles and Isaac began to drive to Silas street with the others following close behind. Isaac looked at misty. "Do you think the hotel will be a good place to stay? Considering it's the apocalypse" Misty shrugged "I don't know... Maybe it's a Bad Idea" Isaac thought "why would she think that?" Isaac looked at her "Why's that?" Misty sighed "Hotels are usually alternative care sites..." Isaac gave a confused "Um... What's that?" Misty smiled slightly "It's a place for people to go in case of a pandemic to get alternative care" Isaac took a moment to finally process it. "Oh, now I get it... So that means we're either walking into a lurker nest or we're walking into a group of people" Misty nodded "yeah... I'd rather not deal with the former" Isaac nodded and realized they were getting closer to the hotel. He stopped a block away from the hotel and the others pulled up beside him. Rodrigo looked at him "why'd you stop?" Isaac looked at him "Misty brought up a good point... The hotel might be an alternative care site. Which, means we might be walking into a lurker nest or a group of people." Cole looked at him "then what do suggest?" Isaac took a moment to think. "We send a group to check it" everyone agreed and Isaac looked at them. "Alright, luna, Jaiden, cole, Emma you come with me" Rodrigo looked at him "what about me, Alice and Misty?" Isaac looked at him "take care of the supplies and kids" he nodded "Alright" Isaac, luna, Jaiden, cole, and Emma got out of the vehicles. Isaac gave luna back her gun, his bat to cole, and the ax to Emma. Isaac pulled out his revolver "Alright let's go" Everyone began to walk and made it to the hotel. They slowly opened the door only to see three people aiming pistols at them. Isaac put his hands up since he was in front. "Woah there we're not going to hurt you guys" they didn't respond and Isaac looked back at his group. "Look we have you outnumbered and outgunned so just lower your guns" they murmured amongst themselves then a man said "Fuck off and leave" Isaac took a step forward. "Just put it down we don't want trouble" a woman yelled, "neither do we so just leave!" Isaac looked at the man who had the pistol aimed at Isaac's head. Isaac moved again "stay calm and just lower the gun" he reached out but stopped when someone started crying. One of the women went into a room. Isaac quickly grabbed the gun from the man and went to grab the other woman's gun. The others aimed their guns at the mam. The woman pulled the trigger but she missed her target. Isaac fought with her for the gun. Eventually, he overpowered her and went back to the others. Luna looked at him "didn't know you had that in you" Isaac shrugged "neither did I, Alright hands in the air you two" the two people did so and the other woman came back with a toddler in her arms. "Shit..." The woman pulled out her pistol and threw it to Isaac. Isaac raised an eyebrow "you're a smart one not like your friends" the woman looked at the toddler in her arms. "Please don't hurt us or my kid" Isaac sighed "Like I said before we're not gonna hurt you guys. I and my group are just seeking refuge." The man look angered "why should we let you stay in OUR home?" Isaac looked at him "because we're all human and I just want to protect... Them" the man rolled his eyes "seems like you can handle yourselves" the woman with the toddler spoke. "Look it's not like we're heartless but we don't even know you. All of you could be bandits" Isaac looked at her. "I don't think the kids and medic we have with us would be very good bandits" the woman's eyes widened. "K-Kids... M-Medic..?" The man yelled, "don't trust them!" The woman looked at him "Stand down, Jack. Let's see if he's telling the truth. Okay then bring them in" Isaac looked at Emma "Go get them please" Emma nodded and left to get them.

To be continued...

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