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After the sun had set everybody had gone to sleep except for Rodrigo and Alice who were keeping watch. He looked outside then at Alice "It's so quiet..." Alice nodded "yeah it kinda makes me forget the world is... You know fucked" Rodrigo sighed "yeah it's peaceful" Alice looked outside "yeah... How about we go outside and stargaze a bit" Rodrigo took a moment to think "alright" He stood up and walked with Alice outside. They walked to the pickup truck and sat in the bed. Rodrigo smiled as he looked up at the stars with Alice next to him. They stayed quiet for a while until Alice slowly moved her head onto Rodrigo's chest. He blinked "It seems like you're getting comfortable" Alice felt her face warm up slightly. "Well, you did offer to let me lean on you earlier." Rodrigo chuckled "yeah my shoulder not my chest" Alice embarrassingly spoke, "o-oh right..." Rodrigo slowly put his arm around her. "But this is okay too" Alice felt her face turn red. "A-a-alright..." Alice slowly moved her head onto Rodrigo's shoulder. Alice quietly spoke "Rodrigo..." He turned his head to look at her "yeah" she looked at him "I'm glad we met..." She quickly hid her face in his shoulder. Rodrigo chuckled "I'm glad to have met you too" He turned his head back to the stars.

Meanwhile, in the gas station, Amile began to wake up in an employee break room. Her eye slowly fluttered open and she sat up. She looked around and spoke to herself "wh-what happened to me..? Where am I..?" She slowly got up and quietly called out "hello..? Anyone here..?" She slowly walked to the door but stopped when she felt a pain in her head "ow..." She slowly touched her head than face only to feel a bandage on her left eye. "Why is my eye bandaged..?" She shook her head and opened the door. She slowly walked out of the room only to see everyone asleep on the floor in sleeping bags. She slowly walked to them and smiled as she saw misty snuggled into Isaac. She giggled and walked over to Jamie. She gently shook her. "Jamie... Jamie wakes up..." Jamie sleepily pried her eyes open "wha-" she stopped speaking when she realized Amile had woken her up. She immediately sat up and hugged her. "A-A-Amile you're awake?" Amile giggled and slowly hugged back. Jamie quietly sniffled "I thought you wouldn't ever wake up" Amile gave a confused look "why would think that?" Jamie let go "because your eye was shot out..." Amile looked at her "m-m-my eye?" She reached for the bandage on her face and mumbled to herself "I guess that's why my head hurts" Jamie hugged her again "but at least your okay" Jamie slightly yawned and Amile smiled "are you tired?" Jamie shook her head "No..." Amile giggled "are you sure?" Jamie nodded sleepily and amile looked at her. "Well I'm kind of sleepy so maybe I could sleep next to you?" Jamie looked at her "sure" Amile smiled and laid down with her. "Jamie..." Jamie looked at her "yeah..?" Amile moved closer and wrapped her arms around Jamie. "I'm cold... Can you hold me?" Jamie's face went a shade of pink. "Oh um yeah..." She slowly pulled Amile close and Amile nuzzled into her shoulder. They both closed their eyes and tried to go to sleep. Amile almost immediately fell asleep and Jamie held her close. Soon Jamie drifted to sleep as well.

After a few hours, Rodrigo and Alice walked back into the gas station not noticing Amile was next to Jamie. They went over to Isaac. Alice looked down at them "I kinda don't want to wake them" Rodrigo shrugged "they've had enough time to rest" Alice looked at him. "I guess so..." They crouched down and shook them. Isaac and Misty slowly opened their eyes. Isaac mumbled "five more minutes..." Rodrigo looked at him "no It's time for you two to take watch" Misty looked up at them "do we have to..?" Alice nodded "yeah plus we're also tired" both of them sat up and Isaac yawned "yeah alright..." Isaac stood up and helped Misty up. "Come on Misty." Misty groggily groaned and leaned on him. "But I'm so tired... Can you carry me?" Isaac looked at her "I guess you're drunk on sleep but fine" He picked her up bridal style and carried her. He sat her on the cooler and sat next to her. Misty rubbed her eyes and groaned sleepily. "Isaac... I'm still tired" she tugged on his shirt and Isaac chuckled. "What do you want me to do?" She slowly reached her arms out and made a grabbing motion like a toddler asking to be held. "Let me sleep on you" Isaac sighed and smiled "Alright then come here" Misty slowly moved over and sat on his lap then laid her head against his chest. Isaac slowly wrapped his arms around her. "Get some more rest I'll keep watch." Misty nodded and closed her eyes. She snuggled into him and tried to drift off. Isaac smiled and looked out the glass doors. He started to think and talk to himself. "This is nice but... It took the end of the world for this to happen" misty sleepily mumbled. "then I'm glad the world is ending." He looked down at misty and held her closer. "I thought you were trying to sleep, hmm?" Misty slowly looked up at him. "I can't sleep if you keep talking..." Isaac chuckled and rubbed her head. "Sorry" Misty sleepily mumbled "you better be sorry... You handsome jerk" She laid her head back onto his chest. Isaac started to think "yeah she's drunk on sleep. I mean she thinks I'm a handsome jerk... But god she's adorable like this." As hours ticked by misty slightly snored as she slept on Isaac and slightly drooled. Isaac chuckled "I guess I'll need another shirt for myself" Isaac looked outside to see the sun rising over the horizon. Isaac slowly shook misty. "Misty get up it's dawn." Misty slowly opened her eyes only to realize she was on Isaac. "Oh!" She immediately got up and Isaac laughed. "Everything alright?" Misty mumbled and Isaac went to wake everyone up. As he went to wake the kids up he saw Amile clinging onto Jamie. He kneeled down and quietly woke them up. "Hey get up you two" Amile slowly opened her eye. "Isaac..?" He nodded "Yeah mil?" She punched his shoulder. "Don't call me mil and... What happened..?" Isaac sighed "we'll talk about that in the car..." Everyone got into the cars and started to drive to Bartlesville as Isaac explains what happened while Amile was out cold.

To be continued...

Just an Author note I hope you guys are enjoying the story I'm a new writer so sorry if it's a shit storm but if you're enjoying this then please vote to show your support.

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