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 T.W slight mention of sexual assault

One day after their arrival in Kansas city

The night was thick with tension as Kira, Amile, Alice, Jamie And Emma cautiously made their way through the decaying city while leading a restrained Luna. The relentless zombie horde had forced them Apart from the other and made them seek refuge in an abandoned building, but their respite was short-lived. Unbeknownst to them, a group of cannibals had set their sights on the survivors, drawn by the promise of fresh meat in a world gone mad.

As the group rounded a corner, they were ambushed by the pack of savage cannibals, their eyes filled with primal hunger. With no time to react, the Girls found themselves outnumbered and overpowered. Bound and gagged, they were dragged through the darkened streets, their captors reveling in their helplessness.

Meanwhile, Isaac, Rodrigo, Cole, and James had set out on a mission to find their missing friends. They were seasoned survivors, each with their own unique set of skills, forged by the harsh realities of the zombie-infested world. Their hearts raced with a mixture of fear and determination as they followed the trail of destruction left in the wake of the cannibals.

Hours turned into an agonizing wait for the captives. Bound in a makeshift prison, they exchanged worried glances, the weight of their dire situation bearing down on them. The cannibals, an unhinged group driven by desperation, taunted their captives, relishing in the terror that danced across their eyes. they pulled out Emma and began to grope her almost like they wanted to play with their food first

Isaac, Rodrigo, Cole, and James finally closed in on the cannibals' hideout. They moved with calculated precision, silently dispatching any sentries in their path. The stench of death hung heavy in the air as they neared the makeshift camp, their eyes scanning for any sign of their friends.

Inside the camp, the captives strained against their restraints as they watched their friend about to get violated, their eyes darting back and forth as they awaited their uncertain fate. Fear and determination warred within them, knowing that they had to fight for their freedom.

The crack of gunfire shattered the night as Isaac and his group stormed the cannibals' camp, catching them off guard. Chaos erupted as bullets flew and screams filled the air. The captives seized the opportunity, fighting against their bonds with renewed strength. Jamie, despite her young age, managed to slip free, her small frame darting through the chaos toward the safety of her friends.

Amidst the carnage, Kira, Amile and Alive fought with a fierce resolve, desperate to regain their freedom. They unleashed their pent-up rage, their survival instincts kicking into overdrive. The tide began to turn in their favor as they fought alongside Isaac, Rodrigo, Cole, and James, the combined strength of their camaraderie overpowering their captors.The cannibals, outnumbered and outmatched, retreated in disarray, leaving the survivors battered but victorious. Embracing one another, they shared a moment of relief amidst the blood-soaked battlefield. They had endured unimaginable horrors, but their resilience had prevailed once again but just as they thought they had won two gunshots were heard Cole and  Emma fell to the floor dead

The survivors froze in shock and horror as Cole and Emma fell lifeless to the ground, their bodies limp and motionless. The realization of their loss hit them like a tidal wave, shattering the fleeting sense of victory they had just experienced.

Isaac, Rodrigo, Jamie, and James rushed to their fallen comrades, their hearts heavy with grief. Tears welled up in their eyes as they knelt beside Cole and Emma, their hands trembling with a mixture of sorrow and rage. The loss of their friends fueled their determination to avenge them and ensure that their sacrifices would not be in vain.

Amidst their mourning, the survivors realized they were not safe. The remaining cannibals, driven by a bloodlust that had not been quenched, advanced on them once again. The battle had taken a dark turn, with the stakes higher than ever before.

Fueled by a newfound fury, Kira, Amile, Alice, Jamie, Isaac, Rodrigo, and James fought back with a vengeance. Their grief morphed into a fierce determination, pushing them beyond their limits. They unleashed a torrent of bullets and savage blows, their rage fueling their every move.

The battle raged on, the survivors unwilling to back down. The cannibals, sensing their impending defeat, grew more desperate and savage with each passing moment. But the combined strength, skill, and unwavering bond of the survivors proved to be their ultimate downfall.

As the last cannibal fell, the survivors stood amidst the gruesome aftermath, their bodies bruised and bloodied, their spirits shaken but unbroken. They mourned the loss of their fallen friends, vowing to carry their memory forward as a reminder of the brutality of their world.

With heavy hearts, they gathered the bodies of Cole and Emma, preparing them for a final farewell. The survivors found solace in each other's presence, finding strength in their shared resilience and the unwavering support they had formed throughout their journey.

As they buried their fallen friends, a solemn silence fell over the group. The weight of their losses hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the brutal reality they faced each day. But they refused to let despair consume them. They would honor the memories of Cole and Emma by fighting on, by continuing to forge a path of survival in a world consumed by darkness.

With a renewed sense of purpose, the survivors set their sights on their next destination. They would carry the memories of their fallen friends with them, their sacrifice fueling their determination to navigate the treacherous landscape of the zombie apocalypse. United in grief and bound by their unbreakable bond, Kira, Amile, Alice, Jamie, Isaac, Rodrigo, and James moved forward, their resolve unyielding. The road ahead would be arduous, but they would face it together, fighting for their lives and the memories of those they had lost.

To be continued...

P.S the last two chapters were written with other people to help me write better thank you to Gavin, Paige and Tom

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