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Isaac laid there unconscious as the rest of His group checked on him. A man walked over to them and looked Isaac over. "He'll be fine. He'll just have a few bruises" Kira looked at him "how do you know?" The man looked at her "I used to be a doctor" kira looked down at Isaac "okay thank you sir" the group picked up Isaac then laid him down on a cot. Kira and Amile kept an eye on him just in case. After a few hours several people armed with guns walked in and grabbed the group including the unconscious Isaac. They were dragged into different rooms.

Kira was forced down onto a chair as the door was locked and a woman sat across from her with a clip board. "Well hello there i'm jess and i'll be examining you today" Kira looked at her "Examining me?" The woman nodded as kira hugged herself "I'm not going to let you fucking touch me" the woman laughed a bit "this is a verbal examination not a physical one" kira blinked and looked at her "oh..." The woman says "now answer honestly. what's most important to you? A. Money, B. Sex, C. Upstaging everyone else, D. food, E. revenge, F. relaxing or G. being the best." Kira took a moment to think "I guess sex" the woman wrote something down "you get into an argument with your significant other how do you resolve things? A. You give them a good time, B. You give them an expensive gift, C. You make them a nice dinner, D. You don't and pull a nasty prank, E. You cuddle them, F. You admit that the argument stemmed from you being jealous of their friends or G. You don't, why should you when you know you're right." Kira looked down and contemplated which answer to choose. "I'd um..." The woman spoke "miss there are no right or wrong answers. Just choose which you feel is what you would do" kira nodded "I'd show them a good time." The woman wrote something down again "just a few more to go. You find your significant other Cheating what may be the cause? A. You get overly jealous and possessive, B. You steal alot of their food, C. You're overly flirty with everyone, D. You only wanted their money, E. You're lazy F. You're a hot head or G. There's none you could think of you're perfect." Kira immediately answered "A..." The woman nodded "What has been the closest time you've had to sex?" Kira shrugged and mumbled "yesterday technically" she looked at kira "alright that's all I needed" she grabbed kira and took her back to the metal gate. The woman pulled out a knife and cut a symbol into the back of kira's hand before putting her back in the room. Kira saw Isaac awake then rushed over and hugged him. Isaac blinked and hugged back as she said. "You're okay Isaac" he spoke "yeah more or less" He looked as his mark as Kira noticed it was a circle with a pentagram and her's was a circle with a wavy line. She looked at Isaac "what do you think these mean?" Isaac immediately answered "I don't know" kira looked at him "do the others have these?" He nodded and sighed. She went over to the others talking. She overheard Alice say "why not? this place seems like it'd be great" cole spoke "we're not joining these fucks" Emma looked at them "Alice i get it these supplies should be ours but joining these assholes is crazy" Rodrigo nodded "Alice just drop it" Alice sighed as kira sat with them. "Is everything okay?" Cole nodded "yeah just having a discussion" kira looked around and saw the kids but not daisy. "Where's daisy?" Rodrigo looked at her "We don't know... She got taken somewhere else" kira sighed "let's hope that dog is okay" they nodded and looked Isaac who was still sitting alone. Cole spoke "let's hope he'll be okay after we get out this place" Rodrigo nodded "yeah but we need a plan first and until Isaac is back to being himself we'll have to plan this on our own" they all nodded and Kira looked at her mark "we should probably figure what these things are" she got up and went to the metal gate. She looked at a guard "hey you" they looked at her. "What?" She showed the mark "what's this?" The guard looked at it. "You'll know soon enough lost little lamb" she blinked and went back to the group. Rodrigo looked at her. "You okay?" She nodded "yeah but that guard called me a lost little lamb" they all said "that's weird. Why would th-" Isaac walked over and interrupted them "He who wanders from Jesus by choosing to lead an evil or sinful life according to worldly pleasures or desires is a lost little lamb" Alice looked at him "huh? What are you on about?" Cole looked at her. "I think he means this place is full off religious nut jobs" Isaac nodded "Bingo" Rodrigo sighed "we have to get out quick before they sacrifice us or something" Emma nodded "yeah but how do we do that?" Everyone looked to Isaac well everyone except kira. She examined the area. Isaac looked at them. "Why are you all looking at me?" Rodrigo shrugged "you're like our leader dude" everyone nodded except again kira. She got up and examined a wall. Isaac sighed "but i'm not a leader. I've been lucky so far. I even let those bastards join us and got misty killed..." Kira walked over and slapped Isaac. "Luck or not we need a plan and you seem to be able to lead us so snap out of it and lead us you idiot" Isaac touched his cheek and blink. "Right. Kira check the walls, Rodrigo and Alice check the gate, I'll check the ceiling" cole and emma looked at him "what about us?" Isaac looked at the kids "keep them safe. They're unable to defend themselves so keep them safe." Everyone nodded and did what they were told to do by Isaac

To be continued...

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