The hotel

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Isaac, Cole, Jaiden and luna held the people at gunpoint while Emma went to get the others. Emma banged on the car window which scared the shit out of misty. Misty opened the car door "What is wrong with you!? You scared us!" Emma was out of breath "come with me... Isaac needs all of you guys" Misty nodded and got into the driver's seat. She began to drive and Emma went to tell Rodrigo the same thing. She got in the back seat of the car as Rodrigo followed misty. Soon they got out and entered the hotel only to see the others aiming guns at three people. Isaac looked back and said "good you guys are finally here." Rodrigo looked at him "Did you learn nothing from the cole incident!?" Isaac rolled his eyes "They pulled their guns on us first and Cole already forgave me" cole raised his eyebrow "I did..? Nevermind just bring the kids in front of us and misty too." Misty walked James, Jamie and Amile in front of Isaac. Isaac smiled slightly "see we got kids and the beautiful girl who brought them over is our medic. Misty smiled at the compliment and the woman with the toddler nodded. "Alright... Now since you said you're not bandits could you please lower the guns." Isaac looked at his group and nodded. "Lower them" Jaiden and luna lowered their guns. "You're the boss so alright" Isaac looked at the woman "better?" The woman looked at him "yeah it is well i'm Emily, the other woman is Annie and the guy is Jack" Isaac smiled slightly "Well it's nice meeting you for the most part. I'm Isaac" Isaac put his hand out and Emily took it. Isaac shook her hand and introduced his group. Isaac looked at Emily "so will you let us take refuge here?" Emily took a moment to think and discussed it with her people. "I'm sure they could be a big help in surviving" Jack looked at her "You're not serious, right? I mean they're just teenagers" Annie sighed "teenagers or not we can't just leave the kids to die" Jack groaned "then we take the kids and the others leave" Emily rolled her eyes "that's not an option" Jack argued "then they all leave" Isaac thought "maybe i should say something..." Isaac looked at Emily "Let us stay and we'll share our supplies" Emily's eyes widened "Deal!" Jack grabbed Emily's wrist "What the hell are you doing!? We didn't agree on anything" Isaac looked at him "sorry bud but your leader already agreed to my offer" Isaac looked at cole and Rodrigo "Guys help me get the supplies down" they nodded and walked out with Isaac to the cars. They started unloading duffel bags from the cars. After they got all the supplies down Isaac began splitting supplies between the groups. Annie slowly walked over "um... Do you need any help?" Isaac looked at her "Yeah could you split the medicine" Annie nodded and began to split the medicine. "How long have you guys been out on your own?" Isaac shrugged "About five months" Annie looked at him "wow, really?" Isaac nodded "yeah... How long have you guys been in here" Annie took a moment to think "About a month" Isaac looked at her "so you've been here for a short while" Annie nodded "yeah so those kids are they anyone's siblings?" Isaac nodded "yes, James and Jamie are cole's siblings. Amile is misty's sister although i think they're just pretending to be sisters" Annie finished splitting the medicine. "Can you blame them?" Isaac looked down "No... I'd do anything to have my family back" A few seconds of silence passed and Isaac blinked as he felt daisy nudge his leg "anyway we're done here" Annie looked at him "Um... Alright well we set you all up in rooms that still have some running water. The kids are in room 603, Cole and Emma are in 610, Alice and Rodrigo are in 615. Lastly, you and Misty are in room 912." Isaac looked at her "why are me and Misty a whole 3 floors above everyone else?" Annie looked at him "It's the only other room with running water. I'm really sorry if it's an inconvenience" Isaac sighed "it's fine don't worry" Annie nodded "Alright and there's some clothes for you in the room for after you shower" Isaac nodded and headed up the stairs with daisy. Once he got to the ninth floor he walked over to room 912 and opened the door to see misty in her underwear and her hair in a towel. His face went a deep shade of red and Misty turned to see him just staring with an embarrassed look. Isaac covered his eyes "I'm sorry i didn't mean to walk in on you changing" misty giggled a little "It's not a big deal I mean have you never been to a beach?" Isaac kept his eyes covered. "That's different..." Misty laughed "and what's the difference?" Isaac mumbled. Misty smiled slightly and put on some clothes. "Nevermind you can look now" Isaac moved his hand and looked away. Misty looked at him "you know it's kinda cute when you're embarrassed. I mean it's just underwear and you're so red" Isaac looked at her "you know what? I think Emma lied to me when she said you were shy." Misty smiled and went to lie down on the bed "I guess she did lie" Isaac went to the drawer and pulled out some clothes. He took off his jacket and placed it on the bed then went to the bathroom to shower with lukewarm water. When Misty heard the water turn on she sat up and grabbed Isaac's Letterman jacket then put it on. She smiled and laid back down while wearing it. Daisy laid at the foot of the bed as Misty drifted off. After a few minutes Isaac came out with new clothes on and went to grab his jacket but noticed misty took it. Isaac spoke to himself "Did she really put my jacket on and fall asleep with it?" Isaac walked over and checked to see if she was really asleep. "Yup she's napping well might as well go take watch or something. Daisy follow" Daisy got up and followed Isaac downstairs. As they got there they saw Jack in a seat with his pistol facing the only entrance. Isaac walked over. "Mind if we join?" He looked at him "Not really" Isaac sat next to him with Daisy sat at their side. It was quiet until Isaac spoke. "Hey um... I'm sorry about the whole disarming you thing." Jack smiled a little "Don't worry... I kinda respect that you had the guts to disarm me" Isaac nodded "I was actually pretty scared when I rushed you" Jack laughed "Didn't seem that way. Also what's with the dog?" Isaac looked at daisy. "What do you mean?" Jack shrugged. "I mean was she yours before this shit happened?" Isaac shook his head. "No it was my elderly neighbor's but daisy saved me from a lurker" Jack looked at daisy "Then she's a valuable group mate" Isaac nodded and kept talking with jack until night fall.

To be continued...

Life With The DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora