XVIII- Angel Azrael

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Schlatt turned over the material in his hands. The once rich blue colour now stained maroon with blood.

I leaned against the white wall, my head tilted to a side.

I looked over at Y/N, the light glistening over her features, her hair falling perfectly onto her shoulders.

She was watching Schlatt examine the cloth, I scanned my eyes over her face. Unusually, she wasn't showing much emotion, granted Schlatt was in the room. But what confused me the most was how she was biting her lip.

A habit that I had come to know, a habit she used most when she was deep in thought.

She was planning something.

I frowned, still flickering my veiw over her face. She sighed and looked down before turning her gaze to me.

For a moment, a simple look of confusion crossed her face before it turned to nothing. The silence in the room was deafening, the only noise was our breathing, gently syncing as we stared at eachother.

Schlatt cleared his throat, but i didn't break my gaze. Neither did she.

"Trouble in paradise?" Schlatt's voice echoed through the big room. I scoffed and went to glare at him, but Y/N was already scowling at him.

"Shut the hell up, Schlatt" Y/N's voice sounded like it was laced with poison.
I smiled at that, grateful for the mask to hide my expressions.

She reminded me of the stories my mother once used to tell me about this angel as a child.

The stories of the Angel Azrael.

Before the creation of man, Azrael proved to be the only angel brave enough to go down to Earth and face the hordes of Iblīs, the devil, in order to bring God the materials needed to make man. For this service they were made the angel of death and given a register of all mankind.

The angel of death is the divine being believed to comfort souls and accompany them into another dimension.

My mother always told me to appreciate the angels, understand what they did was their job. It puzzled me, kept me up late at night before I simply brushed it off. It was like she believed the stories.

I hadn't thought about that since I became ruler. Only my sister and me left, she chose to leave, I chose to stay take on my parents roles. I couldn't imagine doing anything else.

"That's no way to speak to your president now, is it?" Schlatt sat upright in his chair and drew in a breath as Y/N rolled her eyes. "Tomorrow will be my second presidential speech. I am expecting you two to be there together on the stage behind me"

I pushed myself off the wall I was leaning on. Schlatt simply looked my way before carrying on. "Go home and get some rest, don't be late tomorrow." He smirked at Y/N. "I'll look forward to seeing you, my First lady"

She huffed before briskly walking out.
I glanced at Schlatt before following behind her.

I was planning on staying out of all of this but if she was there I wanted to be there too, to protect her.

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