Chapter 4

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After dinner, Dean drove Daisy and I back to the café. "So... I'm this way." I said pointing over my shoulder with my thumb.

"Me too." We started walking back to our places and for one I didn't know what to say. Luckily Daisy spoke first, "I had so much fun today. I meant it when I said you had an amazing voice."

"Thanks. Today has kinda felt surreal. I really liked getting to know you though."

"So... do you think I can get your number then?"

"Yes. Of course. Give me your phone." I punched her number and she quickly sent me a text.

"Hey, stand right there." Daisy grabbed my arm and took a few steps back.

"What, why?" I asked.

"Cause I need a picture for your contact. Also, the light is gorgeous here." She held up her phone and I posed. She smiled as she tapped away on her phone. "Perfect! Let's go."

"Nope. I need one of you now."

"Really? I can just send you one."

"Does someone not like their picture being taken?" I teased.

"I just prefer to be behind the camera."

"Come on, just one picture. Please?" I tried my best to give her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." She caved.

She went to go stand by the wall. Right as I went to take the picture, she stuck her tongue out. I laughed as I saved it as her contact photo, "Now that's your picture forever."

"No! Please. I'll take another one."

"Na, it's cute and I like it." I threw my arm around her shoulders and lead her away, "Come on Blue, let's get you home."

"Yes, back to my very boring apartment." Daisy sighed, "The landlord literally painted all the walls white. It makes me want to splash paint all over them."

"Why don't you? You can just paint over it when you move out."

"Maybe. If I do I'll be sure to invite you. I want a Rebecca original on my walls." She darted out from under my arm to walk backwards for a couple steps before turning back around.

"You're going to get some serious finger painting then. I am not good at painting."

"Abstract! Even better. Give Jackson Pollock a run for his money!" I laughed at her enthusiasm. She was just so endearing and cute, I just wanted to wrap her up and never let go.

As we were walking a stranger came up to us. "Oh my god! Are you the chick from that Breaking Up video? I've watched it like twenty times. You are my idol! Can I grab a picture with you?" She asked.

"Um sure?" I shrugged. The girl squealed as she pulled out her phone to take a selfie with me. When she walked away I looked over at Daisy who was holding back laughter. "What the fuck was that?"

"I guess you're officially famous now."

"Fuck that was weird." I shook my head trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was recognized. That is so weird. I noticed we were at my place and stopped. "Well, this is me."

"You better text me so we can hang out. I need a famous friend if I'm going to sell my art." She winked.

"Well for now I'm still just a waitress who plays gigs for some extra cash."

"Still, I really enjoyed meeting you and your friends." Daisy held out her arms for a hug so I bent down to hug her. "But mostly meeting you." She said softly.

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