Chapter 9

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We walked into the restaurant to see Mel and Andrew were already there engrossed in conversation. Mel looked up to see us and waved us over. I walked to give her a hug before sitting beside her. Daisy sat next to me while Kim sat across from Andrew.

"Alright, I need a margarita asap," Kim said.

"Of course you do." Mel laughed. Our server came over and got our drink orders. She was just dropping them off when Dean arrived with Adam.

"Hey!" Dean said ruffling my hair as he walked past me, "How are my favourite people doing?"

"Great! Do you know where Lincoln is?" Mel asked.

"Yeah, he said he'd be here soon," Adam said.

"Perfect. I had some stuff I wanted to run by you guys tonight." Mel said.

"Mel, you need to relax. You're overworking yourself." Dean said.

"Easy for you to say." Mel sighed, "I've got way too much to do and not enough time to do it."

"Mel, if you need help just ask," I said.

"Nope, I'm good. I'm a certified workaholic and I like it that way." We all laughed. Mel was always like this. In high school she had two jobs and still managed to get straight A's. She was just one of those people that thrived under pressure.

"So Bug, did you actually take a day off?" Dean asked.

I immediately blushed and looked over at Daisy. "For the most part."

"Yeah, they were busy going at it like rabbits," Kim said.

"Ew! Why would you tell me that! That's my sister!"

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to." Daisy smiled up at me and I leaned over to give her a quick kiss. When I looked up I saw Andrew smiling at us.

"You two are cute together," Andrew said.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I'm glad you decided to hang out with us."

"Well, this one doesn't take no for an answer." Andrew gestured over at Mel who began fiddling with her glass. I grinned knowing that Mel was nervous. She really liked Andrew and from the glances Andrew keeps sending her way, the feeling was mutual. I was worried today would be awkward but things were working out for the best.

"And that's why she's our manager," Adam said.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late," Lincoln said grabbing the only empty seat at the table.

"What had you so busy?" Dean asked.

"I was busy getting laid." Lincoln winked.

"Damn, the brunette from last night?" Adam asked.

"Na, she's not my type."

"Really? It looked like she was your type." I said.

"No." Lincoln said before changing the subject, "So what are we doing? Shared apps or own meals?"

We all agreed to get apps and it didn't take long for us to put in our orders. We relaxed and just chatted about nothing. We usually leave business talk until after we've eaten. Too many hangry people and work is never a good combo.

The food arrived and we dug in. It was amazing how easily Andrew and Daisy fit into our little group. It felt like they'd always been there.

"Okay, time for real talk." Mel said once the plates were cleared, "So this week has been literally insane with the amount of calls I've been getting about signing you. Now I've got some options for you. I'm just going to lay the best options for you."

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