Chapter 13

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We walked into my apartment and were greeted by all my friends just like I had expected. Mel and Andrew were curled up on the loveseat while Dean and Adam were playing a video game on the couch. Lincoln and Jack were sitting on the floor watching them. Kim came out of the kitchen with snacks in her hands. "Hey, you're back!" She said before her face scrunched up, "Why are you all wet? I thought you were going to a museum?"

"We did. Then we went over to my place. Things got a bit messy." Daisy looked up at me with her mischievous smile and winked. I swear my heart beat faster with every one of her smiles. Fuck, I was falling for her and fast.

"Dude too much information!" Dean groaned from the couch.

"How are you playing video games anyway? I don't have a console." I asked.

"I brought it." Adam said, "I wasn't sure how long you'd be."

"Or you could do the normal thing and not hang out in my apartment waiting for my date to finish?" I offered up as I sat down on one of the chairs. I pulled Daisy along to sit on my lap. I wasn't going to let her out of my arms if I could help it.

"Where's the fun in that?" Dean said, "Also we need to know your schedule this week. We need to finish this album so we can get in the studio asap."

"So the contracts were good? We're signed?"

"I'm negotiating you a better deal." Andrew chimed in, "I have some contacts that I reached out to. I'm hopeful I can get you a much better deal."

"Awesome. Let's work out a schedule then." I said. Dean and Adam paused their game and we began comparing our schedules. We were able to get a rehearsal schedule for the next week mapped out. It was enough late nights and early mornings to make me double-check my coffee supplies.

After that, we all sat around eating snacks for most of the night. We figured a night of rest before a sleepless week was definitely needed. Eventually, everyone left so Daisy and I went to my room. We were laying in bed when she turned around to face me, "I really had the best day today."

"Me too." I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

"I just- I'm scared." She admitted.

"What? Why?" I asked. My heart jumped in my chest as I watched her face scrunch up. I didn't want to hear she was scared when I was beginning to fall so hard for the girl. I reached out and cupped her cheek, running her thumb along her cheekbone. Her face relaxed into a smile as she placed her hand over mine.

"I've never felt like this before, and so quickly. I just- I can't imagine my life without you."

I brought her closer to me. My heart was bursting when I heard that from her. I met her lips in the softest of kisses. "I know exactly what you mean."

"So much in your life is changing right now. I'm just scared at what the future might hold for us."

"That's completely normal." I reached up, tucking a lock of blue hair behind her ear, "I'm completely scared shitless about what could happen, but if we keep worrying about what could happen, we end up missing today."

"When did you get all wise?" She giggled as she scooted closer to me.

"It's something my dad always says."

"Your dad sounds like a really smart man."

"Not really. After my parents divorced, he went to therapy. His therapist told him that and now it's his motto for everything."

"Then his therapist sounds wise." She giggled. I kissed her softly before wrapping my arms around her.

"Go to sleep. We have a crazy week ahead of us."

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