Chapter 21

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Last Chapter Summary: Rebecca and Daisy went to dinner with Lillian and The Reverend. They were surprised when Ben arrived. The Reverend and Ben attacked Rebecca and Daisy. Daisy got away unscathed and called the cops while Rebecca was severely injured. 


I was so cold. I shuddered slightly and suddenly my body felt like it was on fire. I opened my eyes, blinking at the bright lights and flinching away from them.

"Oh my god baby!" Daisy's voice pulled my attention to her. Memories of what had happened came flooding back. Tears pricked in my eyes as I looked at her. Her hair was a mess, her eyes red, swollen and full of tears. She was still the most beautiful sight in the world. I thought I'd never get to see those slate-grey eyes again. 

"Hi Pixie." I tried to smile but my face hurt too much.

I turned to see Dad and Sarah on the other side of the bed. Dad's hand was holding mine. He gave me a sad smile that was filled with so much love. "Hey Shortcake. You're okay now." 

"She's awake! Get the doctor!" Dean's voice filled the room. I saw Dean standing in the doorway. He was bouncing on the spot, filled with too much pent-up energy. A doctor and nurse came rushing in, doing a quick exam.

"Okay Rebecca, can you tell me the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked.

"I-I was laying on my back. They were... kicking... they stopped and were talking. The police came in and everything went black." I said. Daisy squeezed my hand, and I did my best to squeeze it back. Every movement I made hurt.

"So we have had you in a medically induced coma for thirty hours to protect you while you were healing. You have multiple injuries, including a few broken ribs, a hairline fracture to your cheekbone and internal bleeding in your abdomen. We were able to stop most of the bleeding through surgery. There was some swelling to the brain as well as signs of a concussion." The doctor explained.

"How long until I'm better?" I asked. I needed to know how long until I could put this behind me. I just wanted to get back to my life.

"It's hard to say." The doctor looked over my chart, "The fractures should be healed in six weeks. The rest may take longer."

"What can I do to speed that up? I'm a singer. I'm supposed to be in the studio."

"I suggest you postpone it. You may continue to experience pain for a long time, even after your injuries heal. You may find it difficult to take a deep breath for a while." She said.

It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Tears began to fall from my eyes. How was I supposed to deal with all of this without singing? How was I going to survive if I didn't have my voice? Dad seemed to sense my despair and set the doctor away.

"It's going to be okay," Daisy said.

"What am I supposed to do if I'm not a singer? I'm an unemployed waitress! How am I supposed to afford my apartment?" It felt like my entire life was crashing down in front of me. 

"We won't let that happen." Sarah said, "We will pay your rent until you are better and release that record."

"You heard her! I might feel pain in my ribs for the rest of my life. I need my ribs to be okay. I need to sing."

"Look at me Rebecca," Daisy said, pulling my attention to her. A fierce determination burned in her eyes, "You are Rebecca Anne Daniels. You are going to take it easy and just focus on your recovery for six weeks. After that, you are going to be the badass I know you are. You are going to record your album and sell millions of copies because that's who you are."

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