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I stood in front of the mirror and took in my appearance. I had been put in a long white dress that was figure-hugging then loose from my hips down. The sleeves were long and were made of lace, the neck low cut, exposing a bit of my chest (but I'd put on the necklace Justin had given me to draw attention to it rather than just my skin). Under the soft dress, I had on a pair of white and gold strapped heels. I looked and felt like a million bucks.

I paid attention to my hair. I'd never worn it up like this. It was pinned in all sorts of places, tucked in here and there and not a strand out of place. The hairstylist had let some of my curls pop, just at the temples of my head, and they lightly covered the pearl earrings I had on. My makeup was flawless: eyes smokey and lips red and I smelled heavenly.

Justin was waiting for me downstairs. He hadn't seen me yet.

I slowly picked up my clutch bag and slowly walked out of the room and down the corridor to the stairs.

Justin was on the phone when I came down. He hadn't even noticed me stand behind him because he was talking about work.

"I'm ready." I said softly.

He turned around and gaped at me.

I put on a smile but didn't say a word.

I always felt like his opinion mattered. Like I needed to hear him tell me that I looked beautiful, even when I wasn't trying. I was broken and slowly, he was piecing me together without even realising it. Someday I'd believe the words that came from his kissable lips. The 'you're breathtakingly beautifuls' and the 'you're better than good enoughs' will one day be what my heart knows and I won't need expensive dresses and makeup to feel that way. But until then, his opinion mattered and I stood there patiently, a smile on my face, waiting for him to give me the green light.

"You never fail to make things look as perfect as they should be." He said to me, "You are a gorgeous young woman, Dileah Banks."

I blushed.

He took my hand and gently kissed the back of it.

"You look mouthwatering too." I said.

Justin had on a fitted black tuxedo and shiny dress shoes. His hair, as usual, neat and silky. He'd shaved his growing stubble (bummer) and he smelled of sweet cologne. On his wrist was a big silver watch and on his sleeves were little golden cubes. Cufflinks, they were called, I think.

"And you look breathtaking, as always." He smiled.

I blushed because hearing him say that didn't get old.

Justin and I left the penthouse and walked to Lewis who waited patiently for us outside the Bentley.

"Mr Bieber. Miss Banks." Lewis greeted.

"Hi Lewis." I smiled.

Justin gave him a nod.

Lewis opened the door for us and Justin and I slid in.

I wasn't quite sure where we were headed but I was excited, just a little bit, because I was all dressed up and was going to come across so many wonderfully dressed people. I felt like Cinderella with Prince Charming, just without the curfew.

We got to a hotel and Lewis dropped us off right at the entrance. There was a red carpet rolled out for the guests and cameras flashing wildly as people made their way inside.

I linked arms with Justin and we made our way onto the carpet.

"Just keep smiling." He said in my ear.

I nodded and watched my steps as we walked up the first few stairs that led to the hotel's grand doors.

Justin and I waited a few minutes to pose for pictures and smile a lot then we made our way inside, in search of Pattie.

Love Without Uncertainty | JB | a.u | BWWMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora