[Chapter Twenty]

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Tawkerr was right. 

It was really did get volcanic after Summersong.

The three-eyed werdo was stumbling through Earth Island, his head spinning. Hoola and her cousins had left yesterday, taking the lovely summer season with them.

No longer was the sky shining with the pleasant golden rays of the sun. Nor were there monsters playing volleyball, and swimming in the sea.

Now, there was smoke hanging in the air, making it a bit hard to breathe, and hot lava oozed from nearly every possible nook and cranny, it seemed.

And the heat...it was smoldering. Stoowarb felt as if he were melting right where he stood.

Panting, the monster combed a hand through his hair. He was absolutely drenched in sweat, but it didn't make him feel any cooler.

Waking up this morning, he honestly didn't know what to expect.

Well, he certainly didn't think the island would change so much overnight. How could he have prepared for such a rapid switch in scenery?

"Hey, Stoob! You doing okay over there?" Mammott called to him, playfulness in his tone.

He whined a bit in reply. "Fuck, it's hot! I-I mean it was before, but now I can barely breathe! What in the name of Scaratar happened here?!"

The white-furred monster chuckled, as if expecting such a response.

"You gotta learn to get used to it, buddy! It's gonna be like this all year round, till Summersong comes back again!"

This made Stoowarb groan. "Nooo...I don't think I can do it..."

"Well, you gotta! You live here now, don'tcha? Hehe, then again, you are a cloud boy, it's probably windy up there to keep you folks cool and all that."

The werdo grumbled in defeat, slinking off.

Mammott did make a point, though. It was cooler up on Air Island. He just wasn't used to this sort of climate. He was never supposed to be here in the first place, but he had came on a whim, to escape all of the Maggpi and Parlsona talk.

He began to question if he would get heatstroke, or die. It was possible, since, once again, he was never supposed to be here. His body wasn't ready to deal with these temperatures.


Turning his head, he saw Tawkerr, grinning widely as he sauntered over.

"Sure is fucking hot today, huh? Didn't I tell you it got volcanic here after Summersong, bitch boy?"

Stoowarb sighed, shaking his head with a tired smile. The heat was taking its toll on the poor monster. 

"Yeah...you were right, weren't you? I did think about what you said, but I didn't remember today. I guess that's why it's catching me so off-guard."

"Yeah, that'd explain it." The grey werdo said, dismissively waving his hand. "Anyway, wanna hang out, fuck the place up?...Not talking literal with that last part."

"I guess so, Tawkerr."

The other monster was sort of taken aback by that response. Stoowarb was always down to hang out. What was going on today?

But, he didn't press, and they did their usual rounds. 


"So then I told him to fuck off, 'cause I already met his mom when I fucked her! Man, what a piss-baby...right, Stoob?"

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