[Chapter Twelve]

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"Great, just great! This is just amazing!" Stoowarb ranted and raved, pacing back and forth. "Now I have to live on an island with the fucking asshole who almost killed Parlsona! I don't wanna have to look at his stupid face everyday!"

He growled. "How do I always get myself into these kinds of situations?!"

"Hey, it's not all bad." Noggin replied. "At least nobody talks about you-know-who and you-know-who on Earth Island."

"Yeah, but this is about a million times worse than that!" Stoowarb cried in frustration. "This heartless fuck almost killed her with his carelessness! And now I have to sing with him!"

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Noggin insisted. "Just give it some time, and it probably won't bother you too much anymore."

Stoowarb blinked. "Are you completely missing the point of this, or..."

"Hey, I never said I was good at giving advice," Noggin said with a shrug. "Anyways, I'm gonna go hang out with the guys. Try not to kill him, I guess."

Stoowarb groaned, leaning against a large rock that was carved like a tiki man.

This was going to be one hell of a time.


"Come on, new guy! Jump in! The water's fine!"

Stoowarb turned to look at the Hoola in the water. "No thanks, I don't really feel like getting my fur wet right now."

"Aw, come on! Don't be a lame-o!" She pouted. "Summersong's all about having fun, why don't you loosen up a little, new guy?"

He stared at her in thought for a moment, before jumping in.

She laughed, swimming towards him. "I knew you wouldn't let me down! It feels nice, doesn't it, new guy?"

"My name's Stoowarb," He chuckled. "And, yeah, it kinda does. The water's a nice temperature at this time of year, I think."

"All hail Summersong!" Hoola cried happily. "The shining sun, endless fun, hoops in motion, and splashing in the ocean! All hail this awesome season!"


They both shared a laugh, enjoying themselves.


"Catch, Stoowarb!"

"Get it, Stoowarb!"

He leapt up into the air, catching the beach ball almost effortlessly. His friends all cheered, and he got a happy grin on his face.

"You're awfully good at this for someone who's never played this before," Mammott said playfully. "Were you lying to us?"

"No," Stoowarb replied, a bashful blush on his cheeks. "People like to throw stuff at me sometimes, so I've gotten good at catching."

"I'll say," Noggin laughed. "You're kicking Furcorn's ass right now."

"Oh gee, maybe it's because I DON'T HAVE ANY ARMS!" Furcorn screeched.

Everyone laughed, and Furcorn huffed in embarrassment, turning away. The game continued, and Stoowarb kept absolutely ripping and tearing into everybody.


Stoowarb was in a good mood. He'd made lots of new friends, he'd gone swimming for the first time in what felt like a very long time, he'd played a new game, and he was about to practice his performance.

He stood by the same rock he'd been moping at earlier, and cleared his throat. "Just keep your feet on the ground, and move your head all around."

He mimicked the motions happily. "You put your hands in the air, and move with the sound! Do the earthquake!"

Is It Cold Down Here? (My Singing Monsters)Where stories live. Discover now