[Chapter Seven]

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It was freezing. Outside and inside. Tawkerr felt absolutely numb and empty, like half of his heart had been frozen solid, and then ripped away from him.

And he knew exactly why.

Because Maggpi was gone.

When Maggpi was around, he always had someone who would listen to him as he talked about these feelings. She was usually able to help ease them until they went away.

She always knew how to make him feel better.

But now, he had lashed out at her, and now he was kicking himself in the head for this.

He had gone for so long without anybody to talk to about his problems. But after he met Maggpi, it was like somebody actually cared about him, and wanted to help him. He loved her, he really did, and he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

He shouldn't have even told her anything.

He should've put up a facade, just like Parlsona had been for years.

He never knew she was suffering.

She never knew he was suffering.

Tawkerr felt like a horrible person. Maggpi was right. He bottled his feelings so deep inside of him that Parlsona never knew. And she bottled hers as well.

It was Tawkerr's fault that those bottles exploded in the first place.

He got up, and walked to the balloon.

He had some apologizing to do.


Tawkerr flew up into the clouds, until he was on Air Island.

He got out of the balloon, and looked around.


No answer.



He sighed, and kept walking, looking around.

It was quiet.

Dead quiet.

The only sound that could be heard was Tawkerr's voice, and the blowing wind.

"Parlsona, I'm sorry. I got angry at you for not knowing how I felt, but I was the one who bottled it up in the first place..."

He stopped walking.

"Can we just talk, Parlsona? I'll explain some things, and I can give you a proper apology."

There was still no answer.

"I know you hear me. I'm sorry."

Then, he saw a silhouette of a monster up ahead.

Tawkerr got a tired smile. "There you are, Parlsona. I just want to—"

But, to his surprise, it wasn't Parlsona.

It was her boyfriend.

He approached Tawkerr, anger clear in his face. All three of his eyes glared into his soul.

"Why the fuck." He snarled, venom in his tone. "Would you ever come back here."

Tawkerr stared at him in shock.

"After all you've done. After everything you've put her through, and what she did because of all the horrible things you said. After all that, you still have the fucking nerve to come back here, trying to strike up a conversation like you've done nothing wrong."

Tawkerr glared at him. "I don't have time for you right now. Where's Parlsona?"

The monster's eyes were filled with hatred, pure hatred, as he spoke.

"She's gone."

Tawkerr stood there for a moment.

"What do you mean. What do you mean she's gone."

The monster took a step closer, his hands balled into fists.

"She's fucking dead."

Tawkerr felt his heart completely sink into his stomach. All the light in his eyes left, and he felt nothing but absolute dread. She was gone. Gone. Gone.

" She jumped off the edge of the island and killed herself, because of you. Because you abandoned her. Because you made her cry. All of the horrible things that made her do this, were done by you."

Tawkerr felt tears prick the corner of his eyes.


He fell to his knees.


Her past lover towered above him, his face darkened with fury. He shook with anger.

"I should kill you. I should rip you apart, limb by limb, and tear you into tiny little pieces until nothing is left of you, and there's one less stain on this world."

He scoffed, turning on his heel.

"But I'm not nearly as cruel as you are."

Tawkerr sat there for a while, now empty of any life that he had had before coming here.

He had killed Parlsona.

He was the one that had pushed her off the edge.

Tawkerr cried, his very being shattered into pieces.

He had killed Parlsona. He had killed the girl whom he used to love. He had killed the girl who always tried to help her friends, and show compassion and understanding to everyone around her. He had killed the girl who only ever wanted him to be happy.

But he wasn't.

And now, he would never be.

He couldn't even feel the chill that used to nip at his heart anymore.

Now he was feeling the frostbite.

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