[Chapter Four]

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After the awkward first encounter, the two girls kept their distance. They hadn't really spoke since then. Maggpi didn't want to seem any more weird than she already did for knowing who she was, when the two had never met.

She was sitting on a rock, looking at the large coral reefs surrounding the area. It was really beautiful down here. And she really liked her new song. It sounded more...hopeful than her Cold Island one.

"The ocean's deep, the current's strong..." Maggpi sang to herself, feeling each word resonate within her. Trading away her gloomy Cold Island song to this hopeful song was as refreshing as the water surrounding her.

She felt a bit happier here. Maybe it was because there were brighter colors, or the song sounded joyous instead of sad. Either way, she felt better.

Then, she heard a voice, sweet as honeysuckle, soft like a feather, and warmth lacing every word. It was truly like an angel's.

It was Parlsona, talking to some monsters out in the distance.

Maggpi hid behind a coral plant, and peeked at her.

She could definitely see what Tawkerr used to see in her, she was pretty. And from what she had seen, very caring and compassionate toward her fellow monsters.

Maggpi just sighed. Parlsona was everything she wasn't.

Did Tawkerr still love this girl? Deep down, did he long to hold her close to him, gaze into her eyes, and gently caress her beautiful hair? To tell her that he loved her, and would trade the universe for her?

Maggpi felt a strange combination of envy, pity, and sorrow. Yet she could not take her eyes away. Parlsona was truly breathtaking.

As Maggpi gazed at Parlsona wistfully, she knew she could never quite match up.

Now, she truly had nobody. Nobody to listen to her, and nobody to listen to. No one to help. No one to help her.

Maggpi was truly alone in this world.

She felt so void of feeling, and so full of it at the same time. So drained, yet so eager to do so much. She was a wilting flower, but had just enough courage to bloom, but, oh, there was no sunlight. No air. No earth. Just the pure emptiness of the ocean, that was so full at the same time.

Maggpi really shouldn't have forgotten her anti-depressants at home. But she hadn't been planning on leaving, so she couldn't have exactly prepared.

Suddenly, Parlsona caught her gaze, and the two were staring at one another.

"Maggpi?" Parlsona questioned, hesitation in her tone.

Maggpi just stared in a cold sweat, her heart in her mouth.

"Are...are you...okay?"

Maggpi's heart had dropped into her stomach, not unlike how she had felt after arguing against Tawkerr.

Maggpi gave an awkward smile, and a wave, and walked off.

Oh god, she thought. I just want to crawl in a hole and die.

Once she was far away enough, Maggpi laid down on the cold, wet ground, and hid her face in her hands, trying to sleep off the embarrassment.


Maggpi slowly opened her eyes, and saw a large wall, filled with tiny compartments. There were so many compartments, and so many little creatures inside of them, going about their daily business.

Suddenly, they all turned to look at her, and gasped, rushing towards her.

They were all talking in unison, and it was confusing.

Someone took her by the arm, and led her somewhere. It was a dark room.

The monster flicked on a light-switch, to reveal the room was lined with statues of Maggpi.

"Whoa..." She murmured.

The walls were sparkling golden. There were gorgeous, glimmering sequins and jewels and gems of all kinds. The ceiling was stained glass, and was a mural of Maggpi.

There were hand-painted murals of Maggpi on almost every wall.

"What's going on here?" Maggpi questioned.

Then, she was led out onto a balcony, and was completely astonished at what she saw.

It was a whole kingdom, it seemed, and she was everywhere. Paintings, statues, and other such works of art.

"Everyone here loves you, Maggpi." The creature finally spoke. "We're all amazed at your beauty, brilliance, and kindness for others."

She was still dumbfounded.

"W-What is this place?" She questioned.

"Maggpitopia," The creature replied with a smile. "Welcome to our safe haven. You're safe here. You don't have to worry about anything ever again."

This brought a smile to Maggpi's face. "You mean I don't have to be sad anymore?"

The creature shook their head with a smile.

"O-Or lonely?"

They repeated the action.

"Or self-conscious? Or, or—"

"Hush now, child." The creature said to her. "You need not worry at all. Go to sleep now."

Maggpi smiled, and wrapped herself up in the most fluffy blanket imaginable. It was like clouds. She buried her face into the pillows, and nuzzled her way into comfort.

Soon, she began to drift off. Though, at the same time, it felt as if she were coming back to something.


Maggpi fluttered her eyes open, and saw darkness. She removed her hands from her face, and looked around.

Oh. Maggpitopia hadn't been real after all. Only a dream.

She felt empty, and sad. Like she needed to cry, but her tearducts were filled with dust and cobwebs.

But that soon all changed, as she heard the sweetest sound in the world. Sweeter than lilac. Sweeter than golden honey. Sweeter than the singing of a thousand angels.

Parlsona was singing.

And it was Maggpi's song.

Maggpi quickly crept to go and have a better listen, without getting caught, of course. She almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. Such a beautiful voice. It radiated such warmth, and joy.

"I'm alright now, I'm calm, cool, and clear like water! I'll make it somehow, I'll go with..."

"the flow like water..." Maggpi chimed in, coming out from behind the plant. Parlsona looked at her, wide eyed.

"You...have such a nice voice." Maggpi said, feeling embarrassed.

Parlsona gave a warm smile. "You too."

Maggpi awkwardly fidgeted around for a while, until Parlsona walked towards her. Maggpi looked to her, curiously.

"Why don't we...take a walk together?" Parlsona suggested. "Get to know the place a bit more? I haven't been here long, and neither have you, so it would do us both good."

Maggpi nodded with a smile. "I think I'd like that."

And so, they walked off into the depths of Water Island, feeling content to just have each other nearby.

Is It Cold Down Here? (My Singing Monsters)Where stories live. Discover now