[Chapter Two]

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In the freezing land of Cold Island, Maggpi sat near the edge, dangling her feet. Tawkerr had gone somewhere, so there wasn't much to do until he came back, since none of the other monsters really liked her.

She quietly sang to herself for a little while, passing the time.

She stopped mid-song, her other hand sliding toward her chest.

Just for a moment, Maggpi tried to meditate, to truly understand why other monsters didn't like her. But the song sounded so tacked-on that it just sounded like an excuse to sing at herself.

She settled instead on drifting off to sleep, face pressed against the cold earth.

Once Maggpi fell asleep, Tawkerr returned, thinking back to a less-liked past, and cringed. Sometimes he still missed her. Sometimes he still missed Parlsona. But it was all for the best. He wasn't appreciated on Plant Island, Parlsona couldn't understand that because she was loved by all. Tawkerr always longed to know what that felt like.

But he had Maggpi. They were both rejected by society, so they fit in perfectly with each other. And they would both help each other out with depression, build each other up, so nothing was too bad anymore, he supposed.

Still, it was only natural to miss Parlsona. Even if it was only a little bit.

Snowflakes fell down from the sky with grace as Tawkerr lay awake with his thoughts. He recalled his dream: A universe with nothing but vast, solid universes, some in high-definition and others in low-res, yet all living together in a kind of harmony, where countless frozen globes of people as-is, were going about their everyday business.

He sort of longed to be there, he supposed.

Then Maggpi sat up, her hand meeting his. "Is that depression kicking in?" She asked. Tawkerr nodded. "Do you want a glass of warm milk?" She asked. "I guess so..." Tawkerr sighed. "If it'll give me the warmth I've been missing inside for so long."

Maggpi embraced him, and got up to go get him some milk. As she did so, he felt, in all his tiredness, a small charge of life return to him, if only for a little while.

She got the milk, and her and Tawkerr sat quietly, talking about their pasts. About how Maggpi had been a reject on Cold Island, shunned by all, until Tawkerr came, and made her feel alive again. 

Tawkerr spoke of Parlsona, and how he had been tired of all the other monsters bullying him while she was so loved. 

He spoke of regret, leaving her behind on Plant Island. How he wished he could apologize, one last time. How he kept thinking about her, from the bottom of his heart.

It was difficult for Maggpi to imagine what that must have been like.

She embraced Tawkerr, whispering one thing to him.


This one word echoed throughout Tawkerr's very soul. Then he stood up, determined.

"I will."

Then Tawkerr set out for Plant Island, to go see Parlsona again.


Amongst the plants and shining sun, Tawkerr was unable to find Parlsona. He had asked around, but no one gave a clear answer. They had all said that she went looking for him, and never came back.

Something in Tawkerr's heart was saying, 'Do not give up on her!' So he kept on going, to see if there was any sign of Parlsona, but he could not find her.

After a long while of searching, he came across a potbelly. Exhausted, he said, "Where is Parlsona?"

Potbelly turned to him. "She's on Air Island."

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