[Chapter Six]

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He had lost everything that day.

The day she jumped.

He couldn't save her. He couldn't protect her. He never should've let Tawkerr anywhere near her. He should've been there. He should've stopped him.

He should have held her in his arms, and told her how much he loved her, and he would give up the entire multiverse for her.

But he didn't.

And now, she was gone forever.

Stoowarb hadn't left that spot ever since she jumped. He didn't want to leave her.

But she wasn't there anymore. And she never would be. Not ever again.

Stoowarb's eyes were puffy and red, for he had been crying for weeks. Everyone had given up on him, thinking of him as a lost cause, but he didn't really care. He would give all his friends up just to be able to hold Parlsona close to him, like he used to.

Soon, Stoowarb felt a tap on his shoulder. He didn't even stir.

"Stoowarb?" His friend Mammott questioned. "Do you...wanna go hang out? Take your mind off all this?"

He didn't reply. He kept his knees curled up to his face, and shook his head.

"I really think you should, man. We're all worried about you, you've become a real wreck, and we miss you. I miss you."

Stoowarb turned to him, his eyes red, his hair matted.

"I can't leave," Stoowarb spoke softly. "You know I can't."

Mammott sighed.

"When are you going to move on?"

He left Stoowarb sitting there, in silent sorrow.

He couldn't leave this spot. Because if he did, it would feel like leaving Parlsona. He hardly even ate, or slept. He didn't want to leave Parlsona all alone.

His friends looked at him like he was crazy whenever he tried to explain it, but he felt like she was there, but not. Like the thought of her was still haunting him, but she didn't have a tangible presence.

Move on?

How could he?

The love of his life was dead, and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

She had jumped into the abyss below, the life being sucked completely out of her once she had hit.

Hit what? Sharp rocks? Cold ground?

Stoowarb felt sick imagining the pain she could have went through in her final moments. Was it swift? Slow? Oh god, was she still laying there, her lifeless body fading in the darkness?

Stoowarb began to sob into his palms. He couldn't stop. He just couldn't stop. He should have held her, made her feel alright. Why didn't he? Why didn't he run after her, and give her the tightest embrace of her life?

Why didn't he profess his undying love for her?

Why didn't he tell her everything he would do to help her feel happy again?

Why didn't he do something useful for once?

Stoowarb clenched his fists, feeling darkness sweep over him.


He should have ran at her, held her close to him, looked her in the eyes, and told her that he loved her.


He could have done something. Anything.


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