[Chapter Ten]

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"I love you so much..."

The words flew out of Parlsona's parted lips as her arms snaked around Maggpi's waist. Maggpi held Parlsona closer to her.

"I bet I love you more."

Parlsona gave a playful scoff. "Is that a challenge?"

Maggpi grinned. "Only if you want it to be."

Parlsona tutted, kissing her. She kissed back, and they shared a tender moment together. Then, Maggpi pulled away, giving her a dreamy smile.

"How can one monster be so perfect in every way?" Maggpi asked, cocking her head to the side. "I just can't understand it. You're the living epitome of an angel, and you don't even know it."

"...Nobody is truly perfect, Maggpi..." Parlsona replied, flushed.

"Right," Maggpi agreed. "But somehow, you still are anyway."

Parlsona rolled her eyes playfully, embracing Maggpi. Maggpi buried her face into her chest, sighing deeply.

Then, she looked back at Parlsona, and got out of her arms, looking her in the eyes with a serious expression on her face.

"You know...you really scared me yesterday." Maggpi said. "When you told me that you tried to jump off the edge of Air Island."

Parlsona sighed.

"Parlsona, I don't know what I would do without you. I couldn't bear to lose you." Maggpi confessed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please, if you ever feel like that again, just tell me. I want to help you feel better...will you let me do that?"

After a little while of silence, Parlsona nodded, wordlessly.

Maggpi sniffled.

"Thank you."

Parlsona wrapped her arms around Maggpi, and embraced her, trying to comfort her. She felt bad that Maggpi had been upset because of her, and thought that she needed to make it up to her.

Parlsona lifted Maggpi's head up with her thumb.

"Hey..." She whispered with a small smile. "Why don't we go somewhere later?"

Maggpi wiped her tears away. "Where, Parls?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." She chuckled softly, gently kissing Maggpi's forehead. Maggpi smiled, her tears mostly dried, and hugged Parlsona lovingly.

"I wouldn't trade you for the entire multiverse..." She mumbled, just quiet enough to barely be heard by Parlsona.

Parlsona smiled.

"I feel the same way about you, Maggpi."


A while ago, Parlsona had discovered an odd undersea cave, but once she walked far enough, she had discovered lots of sparkling jewels, bathing the deepest reaches of the cave in a beautiful blue light.

Here, Parlsona would take Maggpi. It would be so romantic.

But until then, they were going to hang out around the main area, and meet some new monsters.

But it wasn't like Parlsona needed anyone other than her dearest Maggpi.

And maybe Stoowarb, because he was nice.

The two lovers held hands, looking into each other's eyes fondly. Maggpi was softly humming with a smile.

"You two are so cute together!" A Dandidoo exclaimed. "One day, I wanna have a love as pure as this!"

"Well, if you want to find someone half as perfect as my Maggpi," Parlsona looked to Maggpi lovingly. "You can't be looking. Give it time, and eventually, the right person will come into your life, and it'll be magical."

The Dandidoo's eyes sparkled with delight, and she walked off.

Maggpi pulled Parlsona into a kiss, and they wrapped their arms around one another.

The other monsters could clearly see that they were busy, so they didn't interrupt the two lovers.


"Maggpi!" Parlsona called. "I've got something to show you, and I think you'll really like it! Come with me, please!"

"Alright, Parls! Just let me finish up here, okay?" Maggpi called back, drawing in a small patch of sand. Once she finished her drawing of the surrounding coral, she got up, beaming at it.

Then, she walked to Parlsona, and they held hands as Parlsona led her to the cave.

Parlsona was excited to show Maggpi what she'd found. She was sure she'd love it, and it'd be a very lovely place to take her indeed.

Soon, they were inside the cave, and were walking deeper into it.

"It's pretty dark in here, Parls." Maggpi murmured. "You sure you know where you're going?"

"Oh, don't worry, I've been here a couple of times before," Parlsona assured her. "Trust me, you're going to love it."

"If you're taking me to it, then I bet I will." Maggpi said with a loving smile that Parlsona just barely saw. She squeezed Maggpi's hand tighter, and pecked her on the cheek.

A little while after that, Parlsona began to see the blue light up ahead.

And once they got there...

"Oh, Parls..."

Parlsona wrapped her arms around Maggpi, and she leaned into the touch.

"This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen. You really, truly are the best girlfriend I could ever ask for, Parlsona."

They sat down next to a large blue crystal, shining light all around the cave. Maggpi embraced Parlsona, her arms snaked around her waist, and Parlsona gently rested her hand on Maggpi's thigh as the two kissed in the beauty of this wonderful sea cave.

Is It Cold Down Here? (My Singing Monsters)Where stories live. Discover now