[Chapter Fifteen]

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Stoowarb was hanging out by a rock, just happily enjoying the day. He shook his cup, swirling around the liquid inside.

Hoola and her Rare counterpart had pestered him today to try some coconut juice, and now that he had, he couldn't get enough of it. He had already downed five cups of it, and he was working on six.

"You're a coco-holic!" Hoola wheezed. "Too many more of those, and you're gonna explode!"

"Good," Stoowarb muttered, gulping down another cup. "This stuff is delicious. Mammott, bring me another!"

"Goddamn it, Hoola, what did you do this time..." Mammott groaned, filling up another cup.

He took another sip, feeling truly at ease underneath the summer sun, and the morning waves, bringing him a slight, calming breeze. He licked the sides of the cup for any stray droplets of the juice, and then went to go get more.


"Oh my god! You've already had SIX CUPS?!"

"Yeah, Tweedle, we've established that." Stoowarb said with an eyeroll. "I just want one more cup, and that's all."

"I'm sorry Stoowarb, but I can't let you have another! Six cups is way too much!" She cried.

"Come on! Please, just one more!" He begged.

Tweedle sighed.

"If you drink this last cup, do you promise not to have any more today?"

"I promise." Stoowarb said with a raise of his right hand. "I won't even look at coconut juice after this last cup. I won't even think about coconut juice."

"...Well, if you promise, then I guess I can give you one last cup..." Tweedle sighed. "But you'd better not become addicted to this stuff! I'm warning you, once you do, it's hard to stop craving it!"

"I'm not addicted, it's just really good. I have control of myself, I can stop whenever I want to." Stoowarb said firmly. "But thanks for the last cup. I really, really appreciate you letting me have it."

Tweedle blinked, and then poured him another one, giving it to him.

"R-Remember, don't get addicted!"

Stoowarb slurped it down like he hadn't had coconut juice in years. He inhaled it like it was the last thing he'd ever drink. Each sip and gulp was more desperate than the last, because he would soon be separated from his one and only love, the delicious coconut juice before him.

It was over before he knew it.

He looked down at the empty cup, and despaired. It was such a depressing sight, all of the beauty that made the cup so heavenly was gone, leaving only an empty shell, and empty memories, that he could never, ever get back. It was gone forever, taken from him so quickly, so carelessly, his sparkling beauty, never to be seen again.

He walked out of there feeling down on his luck. All that he could think about was the sweet feeling of the coconut juice splashing against his tongue, and gently caressing it, before sliding down his throat gracefully, and dancing around inside his stomach. Oh, how he craved and needed to experience the feeling once more.

Then, he remembered.


Stoowarb began to hatch a plan inside his mind, and he gave a wide smirk, heading over to the repair shed.

It had been built specifically for mechanical repairs on monsters, such as Cybop, the Wubboxes, and Epic Reedling.

Well, Stoowarb sure wasn't going to use that shed to repair anything, except his broken heart.

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