[Chapter Thirteen]

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Tawkerr patrolled the sides of the island with a heavy glare on his face.

That 'Stoowarb' guy was really starting to get on his nerves.

He was sick of being reminded that the suicide was his fault. He already knew it was, and it already hurt him to no end. But he wouldn't show that, of course. He had learned not to show his vulnerabilities to those that could never understand. So for now, he'd just act cold, until 'Stoowarb' inevitably left, and Tawkerr could be on his own again.

He looked off the edge of the island, gazing into the sea, colored amber by the sun's rays.

He could jump off and join Parlsona right now.

But she wouldn't be waiting for him.

She'd be waiting for her stupid little boyfriend.

He clenched his fists, feeling everything hit him at once. The regret, the anger, the grief, and the feeling of total hopelessness, because now he had nobody, and it was all his fault.

He was the reason Parlsona jumped.

He yelled at Maggpi, and she finally realized how horrible he was.

Things were no different here on Earth Island than they were on Cold Island.

The only difference, was now it was hot.


"Good luck, Stoowarb!"

"Go get him, Stoob! You're gonna do great, good luck!"


Stoowarb blinked in confusion at all of his friends.

"Umm...thanks, I guess?"

He had no clue what they were talking about, or why they were telling him these things, but he still felt supported by them, he supposed.

"Hey, Stoowarble!" Hoola greeted him enthusiastically, running up to him with a camera. "I'm tryna get a picture, do you mind if I take one of you?"

Stoowarb smiled and nodded. "Of course."

She smiled widely, and tried to get herself up to his height, before she snapped a photo of him.

"Thanks, pal!" She said with a friendly wink, walking away and putting the picture up on a rock, labeling it 'before' with a red marker.

Before?  Stoowarb questioned in his mind. Before what?

He was confused by everybody, but still kept walking. All he was going to do was find a quiet spot to practice his singing, he felt like he was getting better.

He sat down by a good sized rock, shaped like a tiki man, like all of the other ones, and began to sing once more.

"Just keep your feet on the ground..."

He began to follow the movements.

"And move your head all around..."

He started to dance.

"You put your hands in the air, and move with the sound..."

"Do the earthquake!" Stoowarb cheered.

He looked around. No Tawkerr in sight! Today was looking like another great practicing day! Stoowarb beamed, swaying to the music in his head.

"You put your hands in the air, and move with the sound..."

"Do the earthquake!"

He continued to practice his singing and his movements, and he felt like he was getting really, really good, and he was hyped for his first performance on Earth Island, even if he had to sing with Tawkerr.

Is It Cold Down Here? (My Singing Monsters)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora