[Chapter Eight]

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"The coral is so beautiful here. Don't you think?"

"It is. The way it shimmers in the sunlight shining down from the surface is almost hypnotizing."


"But you know what's even more hypnotizing?"


"Your beauty." Maggpi said with a soft smile.

"Oh, stop it." Parlsona laughed.

The two were walking hand in hand around Water Island, admiring all the underwater beauty.

"You know, I'll never get sick of looking at this." Maggpi said. "On Cold Island, there wasn't really much to look at except snow. Lots of snow. But here, it's so beautiful, all the sea life, and beauty, all changing and growing, all around us, every day. We get to see it all change."

Maggpi looked at Parlsona with a smile. "I hope someday I'll get to see you change."

Parlsona tilted her head to the side. "How so?"

"I want you to feel safer, and more secure than ever before. I want to help you feel happier each day. Even though we're at the bottom of the ocean, I want your spirits to rise, to the surface and beyond. I will stay with you every day, until I can help you have that. And even then, I'll still be there for you, Parlsona."

Parlsona felt her heart flutter with joy, and she squeezed Maggpi's hand tighter.

They fell into a comfortable silence, where nothing else needed to be said, because they both somehow already knew what would've been said.


Maggpi walked around Water Island, feeling absolutely wonderful. She hadn't felt this happy in a long time. Parlsona made her heart melt into a gooey puddle of love, and Maggpi was obsessed with it, and she was obsessed with how happy Parlsona made her feel. All she wanted was to make Parlsona feel happy too. And if she had to stay with Parlsona forever to achieve that, then so be it. She wasn't complaining, anyway. Every moment spent with Parlsona was more lovely than the last.

She was sweeter than the early morning dew, sugar water, and honey, and was still sweeter than all of those combined.

She was an angel, and Maggpi was truly honored to have her.

Her heart was so happy that she began to sing, prancing around Water Island like an idiot in love.

The high that she got from being with Parlsona alone was enough to outweigh all the lows she'd ever had in her life. All her troubles, completely silenced, like a music box at the bottom of the ocean.

Maggpi sat down, fiddling with the locks of her hair.

She overheard some monsters talking.

"Have you heard?"

"About what?"

"About Tawkerr."

Maggpi snapped to attention. She hadn't heard that name in a while.

"What about Tawkerr?"

"He won't talk to anyone. He's completely shut down. And he won't tell anyone why."

"Poor guy."

"Yeah, well, whatever's going on, I bet he's dealt with worse. A lot of shit has happened to him in his life, so I'm sure he'll be fine."

Maggpi worried. What was going on with Tawkerr? What was happening? Was it because of her?

She suddenly became very guilty. She had just been running around with Parlsona, and had completely neglected Tawkerr.

Is It Cold Down Here? (My Singing Monsters)Where stories live. Discover now