[Chapter Seventeen]

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Stoowarb sat down, staring at the ocean, colored an orange-ish hue from the Earth Island sun. He dangled his feet off the edge, feeling the sea air, that was pleasantly warm due to the fiery aura of the island.

He sipped on a cold glass of water, taking in the day.

After an intervention and some therapy, he was no longer addicted to coconut juice. However, he was worried of getting addicted to it again, so he avoided it at all costs.

"Hey, bitch boy."

Stoowarb looked up.

"Hey, frosty asshole."

Tawkerr leaned against one of the tiki-shaped rocks. "Heard there's some secret rave party going on tonight."

Stoowarb's head perked up. "A party? Tonight?"

Tawkerr nodded. "Everyone and their grandma is talking about it, I'm surprised you didn't hear, since you're such a popular guy."

"I basically just woke up, so nobody's really bombarded me with gossip yet." Stoowarb shrugged.

"Well you'd better get ready," Tawkerr chuckled. "It's gonna be coming in buckets."

"Thanks for the warning." Stoowarb sighed in annoyance, taking a drink of water.

"Yeah, the one advantage of being an outsider is nobody will bother me with that shit." Tawkerr snorted. "I feel sorry for you."

"Oh, I don't think I'm the one you should worry about." Stoowarb replied. "You sang a little quiet last time, so we need to work on that. You should really project your voice more so that you can be heard with the oth-"

"Yawn. Spare me the pointless information, lover boy." Tawkerr groaned.

Stoowarb sighed, rolling his eyes. "So he denies my help again."

"I don't need your help." Tawkerr scoffed. "I'm doing perfectly fine on my own."

"Tawkerr, unless you learn to take your singing seriously, you're never going to get any better." Stoowarb explained. "Why don't you come with me later, and we can practice together?"

"I did take my singing seriously." Tawkerr replied. "She was the most beautiful monster in all of the multiverse, and our voices went together like winter and snowflakes. Then one day, I made a stupid mistake, and she left me forever. That's how quick things can go from perfectly fine, to absolute hell."

Stoowarb stared, confused and a bit concerned.

"That's why I don't want to commit to anything anymore. Because it's just gonna go south, and I'll be questioning why I even tried in the first place."

Stoowarb sighed.

"Tawkerr, she obviously didn't really care about you if she was willing to just up and leave you so carelessly. Your relationships, they're temporary. Your singing, that's a part of you, and it never goes away."

Tawkerr glared at him. "The point is, Maggpi is gone, she's never coming back, and I don't want to keep trying to hope that things could ever get better from here. I lost my childhood best friend and my girlfriend in less than 48 hours, okay? Just cut me a break."

Stoowarb gave him a sympathetic look.

"Tawkerr. They're..."

The words died at his lips, and Tawkerr kept glaring into him intently.

"They're dating."

Tawkerr's face went completely blank.

"What did you just say."

"They're dating, Tawkerr." Stoowarb repeated, his voice shaky. "The two of them."

Tawkerr stared down at the ground, his face a mixture of disbelief, anger, betrayal, sadness, and confusion.

"That's impossible." He growled. "Parlsona's fucking dead. You said it yourself, she jumped off the fucking edge and she's a rotting corpse that's being eaten by worms, piece by piece."

Stoowarb shook his head, his eyes wide. "That's not true, Tawkerr. I thought that too, but then I saw her. She was alive and well, and dating your ex-girlfriend."

Tawkerr began to twitch.

"So Maggpi left me," He snarled. "Just to go hang around with the reason I was lashing out in the first place, and probably to get laid with her, too."

"Tawkerr, you're acting rash." Stoowarb said, laughing shakily. "Everything's okay. They love each other, and it's beautiful, and how we feel about it doesn't matter because they're happy."

"Doesn't matter?" Tawkerr questioned angrily. "Wasn't she your fucking girlfriend? The love of your life? How did you feel when you found out that she replaced you, in a matter of days, most likely, and never even had the balls to tell you? Were you thinking that it was beautiful? Were you just so happy for them? Were you just so stupid that you'd never even considered that you'd just been thrown to the side like trash?"

Stoowarb stared at him, his eyes wide.

"No...No, you're wrong. Parlsona would never replace me, she just didn't want to hurt me."

"She started dating somebody else, and never even told you. She played your heart like a fool, and you're still pining after the game."

Stoowarb felt himself shaking with anger, sadness, and a hint of betrayal.

"She didn't. She wouldn't."

"But she did." Tawkerr growled. "And so did Maggpi."

Stoowarb sat, the force of all of his emotions weighing him down.

"We had such a great relationship, and the second we had one fight, she ran for the hills!" Tawkerr shouted angrily. "Shows how much I meant to her this whole time! Was our entire relationship just a lie?!"

Stoowarb clenched his fists, fighting the tears.

"You think we're two completely different people, Stoowarb. You think you're above me."

Tawkerr growled.

"But in the romance department, we've both been screwed over."

Stoowarb hugged himself, shaking.

Tawkerr abruptly punched a rock.

"So fuck love! Fuck it! Throw it on the ground, drench it in gasoline, get a lighter, and laugh as the flames light up the night sky and the smoke fills the air!"

Stoowarb looked at him, doubtful that would actually help. He frowned, his gaze lingering on the ground itself.

Tawkerr stared at him for a moment, and then knelt down, a hand outstretched to him.

"Come on, bitch boy. We're above them all. You don't need a girl to feel complete."

Stoowarb stared at his outstretched hand. Was this an invitation? To what? To be friends? To help each other feel a little less crappy?

After a few hesitant moments, he took his hand, and was helped up.

"That's the spirit!" Tawkerr enthused. "I'm gonna make you a freak of nature!"

Stoowarb sighed. This couldn't possibly end well.

Is It Cold Down Here? (My Singing Monsters)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن