[Chapter Three]

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After the incident, Parlsona was filled with sadness. She hardly felt like doing anything. And she wouldn't let Stoowarb leave her, due to fear that he would not come back.

Stoowarb understood, though, and was willing to stay by her side until she felt better.

They quietly sat by the edge of Air Island, on the side not facing Cold Island. Parlsona directly avoided that side of the island now, to try and forget.

It didn't work, though.

Parlsona fidgeted around, then paused to stare directly at Stoowarb. She held her breath, then exhaled.

"Stoowarb?" She asked.

He turned towards her. "Yeah?"

"You look tired."

The tone in her voice was sad.

The exhaustion was clear in his eyes, and his face. She knew it was because of her.


She frowned, and they sat in silence a little while longer, before Parlsona abruptly stood up. Stoowarb eyed her worriedly.

She looked down at him, her expression sad, frustrated, confused, and everything inbetween. "Why are you doing this? Why are you pretending like everything is fine, and it's not my fault? Why haven't you left me?"

Stoowarb stood up, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not going to leave you."

Then, she pushed his hand off of her shoulder, surprising him. "That's exactly what he said, and just look at me now!"

Tears began to fall from her eyes. "Just...look."

He sighed. "I'm a little different than him. I actually care about you, and how what I do affects you."

Then she began to laugh, a sad, broken sound.

"But that's the thing. I have no way of knowing if you're actually being serious. I have no way to know if you actually love me."

He embraced her. "Would I have stayed with you this long if I didn't love you?"

The tears would not stop. "You could be trying to trick me. Make me feel safe. Then leave me when you get bored of me." She fretted worriedly. She grasped his shoulders tightly, looking at him with a panicked expression. "I'm not boring you, am I?!"

"Parlsona, you're not!" Stoowarb cried. "Please, everything's going to be alright! I'm staying right here as long as you are, I love you and I'd never hurt you!"

Parlsona broke down into tears, curling up into a fetal position on the ground.

"I want to believe that so, so much..." She sobbed.

Stoowarb sat down with her, embracing her. "Then believe it."

He stayed with her, and she cried herself to sleep.


That was it. That was the final straw.

Tawkerr was snapping at everybody. He was really, really pissed this time. He was even pissy with Maggpi. She was usually able to get him feeling at least a little better, but not this time.

And that made her guilty to no end.

She sat on the cold, snowy ground, thinking long and hard and (mentally) beating herself up about not being able to help him.

"He's in deep pain underneath all that anger..." She sadly muttered. "And I can't help ease any of it."

She got up, pacing around.

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