[Chapter Nineteen]

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"Oh, Parls!" Maggpi called. "I've got something for you!"

Parlsona stepped out of the sea cave they had stopped to rest at. She smiled. "What is it, Maggpi?"

"Here, let me put it on you, I think you'll like it."

Maggpi took something out, and put it around Parlsona's neck.

It was a necklace, made of seashells that she had found around Water Island. It was so beautiful looking, and Parlsona couldn't help but squeal.

"Maggpi, it's so beautiful!" She shrieked. "Oh, did you make this yourself, darling?!"

Maggpi nodded eagerly, with a wide grin. "That's right! I hope you like it, Parls!"

"Oh, I love it!" Parlsona gushed. "Thank you so much, it's absolutely gorgeous!"

Maggpi chuckled, pulling her into an embrace. Parlsona smashed her lips against hers, briefly surprising Maggpi, but she kissed back, and their lips were moving passionately against one another's in a dance of pure love.

They looked into one another's eyes, feeling so hopelessly in love with each other. They continued to embrace each other, and Parlsona felt so safe in Maggpi's arms.


"Is it just me, or are all these fuckers on edge today?" Tawkerr muttered. "Did something happen?"

"Not that I know of," Stoowarb shook his head. "Besides another fight with Hoola and Pompom."

"That's gotta be it." Tawkerr said. "Anytime there's a fight with those two, the entire island feels off for a little while."

"They've fighting a lot lately..." Stoowarb pondered. "I wonder what's going on."

"None of our business." Tawkerr shrugged. "Besides, I wouldn't bother myself with that shit."

Stoowarb looked down at the ground, thinking.


"The coral's so pretty today, don't you think?" Parlsona smiled. "We should go for a walk."

"That sounds nice right about now." Maggpi agreed. "When do you want to go?"

"Whenever we can, to be completely honest!" Parlsona laughed. "It'll be so lovely to walk around together hand in hand!"

Maggpi chuckled, holding onto her hand.

"If we want to go now, I just need to do one last thing first, okay?"

Parlsona nodded happily. "Go ahead! Take as long as you need!"


"No, we haven't seen her." Tawkerr replied.

"Okay...thanks for telling me, at least..." Pompom sighed, looking worried and frazzled.

"Where did you see her last?" Stoowarb asked.

"She was telling me about someone she was seeing. A blue monster." She explained sadly. "I pushed her to the side, telling her everything would be okay and not to worry, and we got into a fight...she ran off, and I don't know where she went."

"She can't be too far." Stoowarb murmured. "Not very many places someone can go to run away."

"Well, what if she never comes back?!" Pompom fretted. "What if she's actually run away from home?! What if she gets hurt?! I'd never be able to live with myself if the reason my sister got hurt was because of my own ignorance!"

"Calm down," Stoowarb stopped her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Take it easy, Pompom. I'm sure she'll come back soon. Until then, just think of how you'll apologize when she does."

Pompom nodded, wiping her eyes, which were looking glossy, with tears threatening to fall.

"You're right." She said, walking off. "I shouldn't panic."

Stoowarb looked down at the ground. "Poor girl."

Tawkerr murmured to himself.

"I wonder where she even is."


Hoola burst out laughing, banging her fist on the ground. Sooza snickered quietly.

"Oh, damn...I knew you had to be cool since you were part of our family, but I had no idea you'd be this funny."

Sooza snorted. "People tell me that a lot. Apparently I look gentle and soft spoken to most people."

"Gentle my ass!" Hoola cackled. "You just made a joke about shooting up a family of four and driving away in a stolen Ferrari!...What's a Ferrari?"

"Don't worry about it," Sooza smiled. "It was only a joke, anyway."

"Well, you're super cool and funny and not lame," Hoola said, stretching out. "But ugh, I need to vent about something real quick."

Sooza blinked.


"There's this blue monster chick who's stalking around in the shadows on Earth Island, and giving people these shifty glares." Hoola groaned. "I told Pompom, but she won't let me do anything about it."

"That's strange. Have you told anyone else about it?" Sooza asked. "And have you confronted the monster themselves?"

"I've tried to, but she always gets away!" Hoola complained. "It's so annoying, and this would all be fixed if Pompom would just put her foot down and kick the bitch out!"

"By the way you've described her to me, I don't think she will." Sooza shook her head. "Just try your best to ignore it for now, but if it gets worse, you might have to go against your sister and do something about it."

"Go against Pompom?" Hoola snorted. "Don't make me laugh. She'll kick my ass into next Tuesday, and then serve it with a glass of lemonade."

"I sure hope the monsters on your island like eating ass then, because unless you have any other plan to make this stop, it might be your only option." Sooza murmured.

Hoola groaned, burying her face into her hands.

"This is such bullshit."


"Hi, Sir Bob Hat Darling III!"

Maggpi chuckled as Parlsona began to strike up an entire conversation with that fish.

"Today has been good for me, I had some toast for breakfast, Maggpi gave me thIs beautiful necklace, and right now we're walking! And I found you! Isn't that great, Sir Bob?"

"Somehow Sir Bob always manages to sneak his way into our dates," Maggpi laughed. "It's kind of funny."

"Oh, he just wants to be included!" Parlsona chirped, petting him. "He's a good boy!"

Maggpi smiled, always loving it when her girlfriend was happy.

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