[Chapter Sixteen]

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"Sorry, I'm here. What's up?"

"Well, I just...needed some help, I guess."

"Oh, okay! What kind of help do you need, exactly?"

"It's Parlsona. I wanna take her on a date, but I don't know where to take her, and I'm trying to find a really, really pretty place."

Dandidoo thought for a moment. Then, she gave a wide smile. "I know where you should take her! A couple of days ago, me and Tweedle found a really pretty area! There's lots of pretty coral and undersea plants, she'll love it!"

"That sounds great!" Maggpi enthused with a wide grin. "Can you show it to me?"

"Follow me and I'll take you there now!" Dandidoo agreed, rushing off. Maggpi followed soon after, the water around her gently caressing her body as she ran.

Soon, they got to the place Dandidoo had spoken of.

Maggpi gasped, almost at a loss for words.

"It's perfect."


"The ocean's deep, the current's strong, right here I found where I belong!" Parlsona sang, running her fingers through her hair. "It's all around, can you feel the sound?"

She softly smiled to herself, humming the rest.

"Parls?" A warm voice called. "Can you come here a moment? I have to show you something! I promise it's worth your time!"

"Maggpi, anything you have to show me is worth my time!" Parlsona giggled, standing up and walking out of the grotto, the very grotto where they had their magical first kiss.

Maggpi was standing a little ways away, a soft blush growing on her face.

Parlsona walked over, and kissed her. Maggpi wrapped her arms around her waist, smiling into the kiss. They parted their lips, and Parlsona giggled once more.

"Shall we go? To this 'something' you have to show me?"

Maggpi smiled, and nodded, taking her by the hand. They walked into a slightly unfamiliar part of Water Island, and Parlsona looked around in wonder.

"Look at that fish!  It's so cute!" She gushed, giving it a soft pat on the head. "You're a good fish! I'm naming you Sir Bob Hat Darling III!"

Maggpi softly chuckled at her girlfriend's silliness, wrapping an arm around her. Parlsona rested her head on Maggpi's shoulder, squeezing her hand softly.

Soon, Maggpi noticed they were almost there.

"Alright, Parls, can you close your eyes for a few minutes?" She asked, smiling nervously.

"Do you have a surprise for me?" Parlsona laughed. Maggpi nodded, and Parlsona smiled, closing her eyes. "I bet it'll be great, because I'm with you."

Maggpi blushed, feeling her heart flutter at Parlsona's tender words.

The two lovers walked hand in hand together, eventually arriving. Maggpi grinned, holding Parlsona closer to her.

"Alright Parls, you can open your eyes now!"

She opened her blue-ish eyes, then gasping, and taking in the beauty of this place. She was in absolute awe, and Maggpi found it super precious.

"It's so beautiful here!" Parlsona cried happily. "Maggpi, thank you so much!"

Maggpi felt her cheeks flush, and smiled lovingly at her. Parlsona ran around, and began to say hello to all of the fish in the area.

Then she ran over to Maggpi, and gave her a peck on the lips. "I'm so lucky to have fallen in love with somebody like you!" Parlsona enthused, love in her tone.

Maggpi laughed softly, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks, and seeing Parlsona blush with a warm happiness as well.

Suddenly Parlsona looked away, giving a wide smile.

"Hi, Sir Bob!"

Parlsona ran off to go and play with the fish, and Maggpi smiled, feeling like the luckiest girl in the entire multiverse.

While Parlsona had her precious fun, Maggpi gazed at her, taking in her beauty.

Parlsona was truly breathtaking, in the light shining from above the surface of the water, illuminating her beautiful, silklike coat, coming from the heavens in which she truly belonged.

No undersea treasure could compare to such beauty.

Kind, passionate eyes, filled with joy and wonder.

Long, luscious locks, platinum blonde, streaked elegantly with baby blue and rose pink, and pulled up in a beautiful ponytail.

And, oh, and her arms, home to many beautiful feathers in pink and blue, a pure symphony for the eyes, a symphony of love, and trust, and beauty.

Parlsona looked to Maggpi, and smiled. Her blue-ish eyes had hues of gold, hinting at her heart that absolutely was made of such. Those eyes sparkled with pure love, and Maggpi couldn't get enough of it.

She went to her lover, and kissed her passionately. Their lips moved against one another's perfectly, creating a heavenly sensation that neither girl wanted to end.

This kiss was filled with absolute love for each other, beautiful and wondrous. The pure romance these two monsters emanated was enough to drive a passing monster to tears, almost. 

As the water sparkled around them, and their lips danced with each other, the two girls knew that no matter what would come their way, they would make it through, somehow, because they would be there to support one another, to love one another, and to make each day more special than the last.

The warmth of their love was so powerful, that Maggpi could finally say that it wasn't cold down here anymore.

Is It Cold Down Here? (My Singing Monsters)Where stories live. Discover now