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(A/n: This is the last bit of Is It Cold Down Here? content I could salvage out of my notes app.

For context, there was a point in time where I made an author's note chapter specifically dedicated to asking "hey, should this book become an action adventure or continue being a My Singing Monsters soap opera?" and everybody gave the right answer so that never went anywhere, but this is a very short scrapped scene that shows like 5 seconds of where it could have gone.

If there's anybody out there who for some reason wants to know what the plot was going to be, go ahead and ask I guess lol but enjoy!

TW: OC that pops up for like 2 seconds but nothing actually happens with them.)

Life was absolutely perfect on Water Island. Maggpi loved the way the coral sparkled in the sun shining down from the surface, the fish lived and thrived in the area, the monsters were nice and accepting (always went with the flow), and she got to gaze upon the most beautiful monster to grace this world, every day. How could life possibly get any better?

She smiled, feeling love and joy radiating throughout her entire body. The feeling was strong, like a million buzzing humbugs inside of her chest, but much less painful.

A fish swam past her face, and she gave a warm smile. "Hey, Sir Bob."

For a second it seemed like he smiled back as he swam off. Perhaps he had a family to return to, or a wife. Either way, Maggpi knew who she had to return to.

She turned around, walking back where she came from.

At least, she thought she was walking back where she came from.

She had been so distracted by her thoughts that she had spaced out and forgotten where she was walking.

Maggpi took some deep breaths, and tried to retrace her steps. The scenery was so unfamiliar, however, that it did no good.

She sighed, shaking her head and walking around, hoping she'd come across somebody that knew the way back home.

Her thoughts of Parlsona's warm, beautiful, comforting smile was enough to keep her walking for a while, but eventually she got tired, and had to take a rest.

She looked down at the ground and sighed, feeling alone again, just like on Cold Island.

She just wanted to hurry up and find someone to make the feeling go away as fast as possible.

Soon, she felt eyes on her.

She turned around, and saw a pair of yellow eyes in the darkness.

Maggpi cocked her head to the side.


The figure blinked, and then hesitantly emerged from the unknown.

[Insert picture] (I don't have the picture I drew back then and plus it was ugly so nope bye bye)

The blue monster was visibly shaking, her expression one of a shock and relief.

"Oh, hello." She greeted the new creature. "My name's Maggpi. What's yours?"

After a moment of silence, the monster spoke.


Maggpi smiled warmly. "That's a nice name."

Ertinone looked down at the ground, probably unsure of how to respond to that.

Maggpi narrowed her eyes, examining her closer.

"Wait a minute...those horns!"

She approached her, her eyes widening in shock once she realized.

"Are...are you a werdo?"

Ertinone nodded, 

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