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(A/n: I'm republishing this just in case anybody wants to read the failed attempt at rewriting this story that I did about a month ago. It most likely isn't going to go anywhere unless I spontaneously start hyperfixating on MSM again, so I hope you enjoy the mere idea of it)

Ever since Parlsona had left Plant Island, life was easygoing, and carefree.

But it hadn't been easy at first.

You see, when she had first came to the cloudy Air Island, she was all alone.

She barely knew where she was, had no idea what she would do at the beginning of this new chapter of her life, and hadn't made any friends.

She'd only wanted to escape any reminders of her...friend, Tawkerr, and hadn't really planned too far ahead.

Parlsona wondered if she was doomed to live a life of loneliness after effectively ditching her popularity on Plant Island.

But that was where Stoowarb came in.

This monster, this incredible monster (who was probably a gift sent from heaven or something) was a lifesaver in those first few days.

He was outgoing, charismatic, and had a track record for being an extremely good boy.

So basically, he was popular here.

Once he took Parlsona in under his wing and introduced her to everybody he had ever met, she had regained her confidence, and things were sailing smoothly again.

And she was so, so grateful for the Werdo who had made it all possible.

The two of them became fast friends, bonding over the things they had in common, and respecting the things that they didn't.

Stoowarb and Parlsona were perfect for each other. And at times, it even felt like they were each other's missing pieces.

After a while, a life without each other was something neither Werdo could bear to even entertain the thought of.

Everything just felt so...natural.

That made it a little bit easier for her to transfer from one island to the next.

"Hey, there!" Stoowarb called out to his friend, concerned. "You okay?"

Parlsona about jumped out of her fur, having been lost in thought for quite some time.

That was common for her, even more so now that she was here.

"Y-Yes!" She smiled at him, feeling a little embarrassed. "Sorry! I was...I was thinking! About when I first arrived. That's all."

She always found herself able to be honest with Stoowarb. Not only was he literally the nicest being in existence, but he was often in deep thought himself.

So he understood what she was talking about, most of the time.

"Ohhh! I get it!" He enthused, giving her those fingerguns. "Memories are cool! Especially good ones! But bad ones are good too, because without the bad ones, the good ones wouldn't stand out as much!"

"Yes, exactly!" She agreed happily. "I like the way you think!"

Without everything that had happened with Tawkerr and Plant Island, the new life and friends she had found here wouldn't feel as sweet.

Stoowarb had the strangest ways of accidentally making her day just a little bit better.

"So, Parlsona, Pompom's throwing a party later! To welcome Schmoochle and the Season of Love." He remarked with a grin, walking over to her. "We should go! It'll be fun! What do you think?"

Parlsona got a little nervous at the thought of going to a 'Season of Love' celebration with Stoowarb.

That wasn't to say she wouldn't love to go with him. Of course she would. She just didn't want anybody to get the wrong idea after seeing them together.

Their relationship was purely platonic, after all.

But there were Tweedles that threw gossip around like it was confetti.

If she found herself at the centre of a such a rumor...she was so shy, she might just die of embarrassment.

" much as I'd like to go with you...what if somebody sees us and thinks we're"

"...a couple?"

Stoowarb had an amused tone to his voice, and Parlsona felt herself flush red with embarrassment.

"...I wasn't going to be that straight-forward, but, um...y-yes."

He laughed a little. "Yeah, I guess I understand where you're coming from. A pretty girl and a pretty guy go to a party together and everyone thinks they have to be dating, right?"

"Yes," She nodded. "That's exactly what I'm concerned about, Stoowarb."

"Well...I don't think it'll be that bad! Everyone'll probably be too busy partying all night to focus on us, anyways." He consoled her.

Then, he gave a playful grin.

"And if worse comes to worst...we can just get you a date so they really won't focus on us!"


He burst out laughing.

Parlsona's face went bright red, and she crossed her arms with a stern expression. "Shame on you! Apologize now, or suffer my wrath!"

"Relaax! I'm just kidding! There's no need for wrath!" He snickered, having laughed so hard he needed to wipe some stray tears. "I'm sorry. Happy now?"

Her expression changed to that of a pleasant smile comically fast.

"Yes, I am. Thank you."

That just made him laugh harder, and she giggled a bit along with him.

Well, even if some gossiping Tweedles decided to ship them after this, she at least knew she'd have a great time, as long as Stoowarb was around.

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