[Chapter Eleven]

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The clouds rolled by slowly, blanketing the edges of Air Island in a thick fog.

Hopefully this would prevent anyone from jumping off the edge.

Stoowarb was feeling a lot happier now that he knew that Parlsona was alive and well. He had begun to actually do stuff, and he had visited her a couple of times just to check up on her, and make sure she was happy.

She really did love that girl, Maggpi.

Stoowarb had been trying to brush off the slight hurt that he had on the inside, and just accept that Parlsona was not his anymore. But it was a bit harder than he'd anticipated.

He sighed, looking up at the sky.

He didn't harbor any ill-will towards Maggpi, of course. It wasn't her fault that she fell in love with Parlsona, nor was it Parlsona's fault that she fell in love with Maggpi. The feelings were just too strong, and they couldn't hide it anymore. Stoowarb completely understood.

But he missed having Parlsona by his side, to hold close to him, and comfort. He missed the connection that they used to have. And he knew that things would never be the same again.


Just because things would never be the same...

Didn't have to mean that things had to be worse, or would be.

Stoowarb tried to look at this in a positive light. Sure, she had left him for Tawkerr's ex-girlfriend, but maybe there truly was light on the horizon. Maybe this was the wake-up call he needed. After all, he did enjoy that kiss with that arackulele at the restaurant, and he had been questioning why. Maybe there was something growing inside of him, that was trying to push him away from Parlsona, and to someone else.

But who?

Well, this was Air Island, an island practically made for love due to it hosting the literal Season Of Love. Maybe Stoowarb's dreams would come true someday.

He gave a tired smile, yet it was still full of hope.

Maybe he'd finally find who he was someday. And maybe somebody else would find him, too.


"You need some serious help." Bowgart said, shaking his head. "Having these kinds of thoughts is not good, and you know it."

Tawkerr rolled his eyes. "Well, blame Maggpi for fucking dumping me the literal day after I found out Parlsona was dead. You think that feels good?"

"Never said it did." Bowgart snapped. "What I did say, is you need to go to a therapist or something, because if you don't, you might just end up jumping off the edge, too."

"Who gives a fuck?" Tawkerr scoffed. "You've never even tried to talk to me before today. Why do you suddenly care about my well-being? Who put you up to this?"

"Nobody, asshole. It's my job to care about my band-mates. And you've never talked to me either, but I haven't gotten all pissy with you." Bowgart sharply replied.

"Uh, yeah. Because you don't give a fuck about me, why would you care if I wasn't talking to you." Tawkerr growled. "Listen, just get out of my way."

"No can do, bud." Bowgart shook his head. "You need to go to a therapist before you can even try to join in again."

"Alright, I'll go to a fucking therapist!" Tawkerr yelled. "Are you happy?!"

Bowgart walked away without another word.

"Goddamn, I hate you people!" Tawkerr ranted. "What reason could I possibly have to keep living?!"

Then, he stomped towards the lonely corner he always sat in.

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