[Chapter Nine]

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His fists clenched with anger.



How dare that bastard come back to Air Island after all he did to Parlsona. How fucking DARE he try to have a friendly conversation after all that. He was absolutely heartless, and Stoowarb hated him with a burning passion.

"He's lucky he left when he did..." Stoowarb muttered to himself. "Because I was about to lose all control."

He sighed with great sadness.

"Oh, Parlsona...I'm so sorry you ever had to deal with that...that horrible asshole. I wish he was dead. I hate him so much..."

Stoowarb held his head in his hands.

"It's because of him that you're gone. If he'd never existed, you'd still be alive. Oh, Parlsona..."

He felt tears begin to prick the corners of his eyes.


He took a deep breath, and kept his composure. He sat there for a few minutes, hardly doing anything.

Suddenly, he began to hear frenzied talking.

"Wait until he hears!"

"Are you sure you saw her?"

"Yes! Are you calling me a liar? Are you?"


"Guys, there he is!"



Stoowarb turned around. There was a group of tweedles flying towards him.


"We have amazing news! You'll never believe it! It's incredible, when I found out, I almost couldn't believe it myself, of all the—"

"For the love of Galvana, just spit it out already!"

"You tell him, I'm too excited to make words!"

"No, you're the one that started it so you'll be the one that—"

"Oh, you two are hopeless!" A tweedle cried. "Stoowarb, Parlsona is alive!"

He felt his mouth hang open. His heart began to pound relentlessly inside of his chest. A wide smile made its way to his face.

"SHE IS?!"

"Yes!" The tweedles cheered. "She's been down there the whole time!"

"Down where?!" Stoowarb cried, joy in his tone. "Take me to her!"

"Follow us, Stoowarb!" The tweedles enthused, flying off. Stoowarb ran after them, feeling the happiest he'd ever felt in his entire life.

Parlsona was okay.

Parlsona was alive.

The tweedles flew off the edge of the island, and disappeared below the clouds.

Stoowarb stopped running. He stood there for a moment.


Stoowarb blew all of his hesitation to the side, and ran off the edge of the island, feeling the wind blow against him as he fell.

A leap of faith.

A leap of faith.

For Parlsona, he'd be willing to give up his life. And he was entirely positive that this was what he was doing.

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