Friday Night Bites

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Mystic Falls High School:

Stefan: Good morning, Elena

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Stefan: Good morning, Elena. Good morning, Bonnie. Stella: Morning Elena and Bonnie. Bonnie: Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. She's not answering her phone. So I'll see you guys later. Bonnie leaves. Elena: Bonnie, wait...Stefan: She doesn't like us very much. Elena: She doesn't know you two. She's my best friend. She's just looking out for me. But when she does, she will love you. Elena: Here's what we're going to do. Are you two free tonight? Stefan: Yes. Elena: Perfect. Dinner, my house. 8:00. You, me, Stella and Bonnie. You three will spend some quality time and she'll get to see what a great guy and girl you are. Mission accomplished.

Elena: That throw was insane. I didn't know you played football. Stefan: I used to. It was a long time ago. Elena: So why don't you try out for the team? Stefan: Yeah, I don't think so. Elena: So you don't like football? Stefan: No, I love football. I think it's a great sport. But in this case, I don't think football likes me. You saw Tyler over there, and we both know how Matt feels. Elena: They don't know you. To them, you're mysterious loner guy. Wouldn't hurt to be part of. Make some friends. Stefan: Says the girl who spends her alone time writing in a cemetery. Elena: Hey, come on. There's more to me than just gloomy graveyard girl. There's a whole other Elena that you have yet to meet. She was into everything, very busy. Stefan: Well, I look forward to meeting her. And when will that be? Elena: Soon. She's working on it.

In history class. Bonnie is writing numbers on her book. "8", "14", "22".

Tanner: World war II ended in...Anyone got anything? Miss Juan? 1945. Elena: Psst. FYI...Our team sucks. They could use you. Stefan: Can't. Tanner: Pearl Harbor. Stefan: I'm a loner. Tanner: Miss Gilbert? Elena: Hmm? Tanner: Pearl Harbor? Elena: Um... Stefan: December 7, 1941. Tanner: Thank you, Miss Gilbert. Stefan: Anytime.Tanner: Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall. Stefan: 1989. I'm good with dates, sir. Tanner: Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act. Stella: 1964. Tanner: John F. Kennedy assassination. Stella: 1963. Tanner: Martin Luther King. Stefan: '68. Tanner: Lincoln. Stefan: 1865. Tanner: Roe vs. Wade. Stella: 1973. Tanner: Brown vs. Board. Stella: 1954. Tanner: The battle of Gettysburg. Stefan: 1863. Tanner: Korean war. Stella: 1950 to 1953. Tanner: Ha! It ended in '52. Stefan: Uh, actually, sir, it was '53. Tanner: Look it up, somebody. Quickly. Student: It was 19...53.

Stella's talking to Elena at her locker while she is getting her stuff out since school is over. Stella: Hey Elena? Elena: Hey Stella what's up? Stella: Is there any room on the cheerleading team? Elena: You know there probably is. And we could always use more girls too. Stella: Alright thanks Elena. Elena: No problem Stella. DO you learn moves fast? Stella: Yeah I do. Elena: Ok great. They walk outside of school together to where the other cheerleaders are.

Stefan is sitting in the bleachers, watching the football team practice. The cheerleaders are on the other side of the field warming up. Elena and Stella show up.

Bonnie: Oh, my God! You're here! Uh hi Stella. Elena: Yep. I can't be a sad girl forever. The only way to get things back to the way they were are to do things that were. Oh, and you're coming to dinner tonight. Stella: Hi Bonnie. Bonnie: I am? Elena: Mm-hmm. You, me Stella and Stefan. You have to give them a chance. Bonnie: Tonight's no good. Have you seen Caroline? I texted her like a hundred times. Elena: Don't change the subject, Bonnie Bennett! You're going to be there. Bonnie: Fine. I'll go. Elena: Good.

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