Family Ties

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Salvatore Borading House:

Stefan wakes up in his bedroom. Stefan: Ahh! Damon: Bad dream? Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon. Stefan throws a knife at Damon, hitting him in the stomach. Damon pulls it out.

Damon: All right, I deserved that. But I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for killing coach Tanner and all those people. Stefan: What are you talking about? Damon: It was a mountain lion. Really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. "Deadly beast captured. All's well in Mystic Falls." Stefan: Why would you cover your tracks?

Damon: I've decided to stay a while. And I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Elena. Stefan: Can't touch her now. Damon: Well, the vervain keeps me out of her head. Maybe that's not my target. Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion. Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift. Stella rolled her eyes at her older brother. Damon stabs Stefan in the stomach. It clearly hurts Stefan more than it did Damon, for Stefan falls to the floor. Damon: This is John Varvatos, dude. Dick move. Stefan removes the knife.

Stella: God he's a dick huh Stef? Stefan: Yeah he is. Stefan is writing in his diary. Stefan: The real animal is still out there, waiting for me, challenging me to fight back, to stop him. But how do I stop a monster without becoming one myself?

Stella is reading a book and she looks and sees that it is Bonnie calling her and she picks it up. Stella: Hi Bonnie. Bonnie: Hey Stella. Stella: What's up. Bonnie: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later. Stella: Um yeah sure. Bonnie: I will text you when and where. Stella: Okay thanks. Bonnie: No problem. Stella: Yeah. Bonnie: So anyone here interests you. Stella: Um I don't know. Bonnie: Oh come on. What do you have someone else? Stella: No I mean I did a long time ago. Bonnie: Oh. Stella: Yeah. Bonnie: Well do you have any one? Stella: Well um there is Jeremy. Bonnie: Oh. Stella: What was with the oh. Bonnie: I just thought you liked Tyler or Matt. Stella: What no. Bonnie: Well it's just because your brothers on the football team. Stella: Oh and also because I'm a cheerleader too huh? Bonnie: Yeah. Stella: I got you. Bonnie: I can put in a good word for you if you want. Stella: Um let me think about it. Bonnie: Okay. Stella: Yeah thanks. Bonnie: Your welcome. Stella: Goodbye Bonnie. Bonnie: Goodbye Stella. Stella hangs up her phone and goes and gets ready for the day and then gets in her car and heads to the grill where she meets Bonnie and Caroline.

Mystic Grill:

Caroline arrives with Bonnie and Stella

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Caroline arrives with Bonnie and Stella. Bonnie: You're taking Damon to the founder's party? What about me? Caroline: Go with Elena. Bonnie: She's asking Stefan. Caroline: Okay, go by yourself. Bonnie: Gee, thanks. Stella: What about we go together Bonnie? Bonnie: Yeah sure. What about your mom? Is she okay with you bringing Damon? Caroline: And I'm supposed to care why? Bonnie: He's an older sexy danger guy. Caroline: Older sexy danger guy? Is that an official witch twitter tweet? Bonnie: No more witch jokes, okay? That whole Mr. Tanner prediction thing has me freaked. Caroline: Okay. And Damon's not dangerous. You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. You know, like major, deep-rooted drama. Bonnie: Like...? Caroline: I'm not really supposed to say anything. Bonnie: Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life? Or Stella could just tell us. Stella: I wouldn't mind at all. Caroline: Okay. But you can't tell Elena. Bonnie: No. Later on after they are getting ready to leave the grill. Bonnie: Hey do you want to come over to Elena's house and get ready. Stella: Sure.

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