uneventful events

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tw:// slight smoking

the door opened with a small chime as the two men stepped inside. the single worker in sight lousily perked up at the sound, taking notice of the new customers coming in at an odd hour of the night. who comes to a coffee shop at 2 am? reluctantly, the worker labeled by the name tag "amber", made their way from around the counter and gestured towards an empty booth in the corner of the quaint place.

george gave a short nod and took a seat at the booth, while looking up to dream expectantly. dream saw the way george seemed unsure of himself. unsure of whether or not dream would actually comply and join him at the table.

as dream stood with his feet still planted in the doorway, he watched the expectant look on george's face falter a bit, as if he'd been rejected. disappointed. he looked... sad. like he needed a friend to come sit with him.

and so dream sat down. the slight beam of hope flashing through george's eyes as he sat down reassured dream that he had made the right decision by complying.

the two stared at each other for a moment. that seemed to be their thing. staring and not speaking a word, but both minds flooding with millions of thoughts. thoughts that died on the tip of each of their tongue's, never to be voiced or put into words for the world to hear.

"i don't drink coffee" dream mumbled sheepishly with a measly smile to match.

"me either" george quipped.

this made dream wonder why they were wasting their time in a coffee shop if neither one of them actually enjoyed the taste of coffee. but george gave him no time to question it further when he shyly ordered two medium hot chocolates. with extra whip.

george then looked around the dimly lit shop aimlessly, as if ordering something for a stranger without being prompted to, wasn't an out of place thing to do. dream was slightly in awe of the boy in front of him. he found george to be an odd character, not like anyone he'd ever seen before.

dream cleared his throat to grab the boy's attention and started his questioning. "so, george, why were you walking by yourself in the middle of the night?"

george quirked an eyebrow up at the question, internally deciding how much he wanted to give away, deciding on saying, "-was searching for something."

"and did you find what you were searching for?" dream responded, tone laced with curiosity.

george now turned his head to face dream, locking eyes with the blonde. "yes".

the two's staring contest was interrupted when the server titled "amber" wordlessly pranced over and placed the two drinks onto the table before walking away again, most likely to fall asleep at the counter.

george was lost in his own mind. he still wanted to carry out his original plan, yet here he was unmoving from his spot. he felt glued to the booth and this stranger's alluring presence. deep down, maybe a piece of him was curious as to where this interaction could lead him. maybe he was subconsciously clinging onto this intrigue because it was the only thing keeping him alive at the moment. but neither of those helped the fact that he was on the verge of a breakdown in front of a complete stranger. a stranger who had no idea that he was someone's lifeline at the moment. someone's last straw.

george hesitantly picked up his hot chocolate with both hands, wrapping his slender fingers around the mug to bring warmth back to his body. taking a small sip of the sweet liquid, he spoke up. "why did you follow me here?"

dream was slightly taken aback by the question which showed in his reaction. "uh i-... i guess i  just- t -thought you wanted me to" he stuttered out.

george made another noticeable gulp. "i did," he said in an unconvincing tone. "i think..."

this didn't do much to assure dream that he wasn't intruding on george's personal space, but he stayed put anyways. he stayed put because something in george's eyes was screaming out to dream's brain that his company was wanted. needed, even.

dream wasn't sure how to respond to that, so he just moved on. he suddenly jolted his body, startling george, and retracted his arm from the table. both hands began digging through his baggy jean pockets to look for something. george eyed him intently as dream appeared to grow frustrated by his own failure to find whatever it was he was looking for.

moments later, dream let out an "aha!" as he extended his arms out across the table in front of george's face, each hand holding an item.

in the palm of his left hand, was a pack of blue marlboro menthol cigarettes. and in the the fingertips of his right, was a partially crushed cream soda flavored lollipop.

george studied the two items being presented to him and glanced up to be met with big, expectant green eyes waiting for a reaction. george did a small captivating, twirling motion in the air with his fingers before gently pulling out a single cigarette from the open pack, followed by sliding the aged lollipop out of the blonde's grasp.

for the first time in a while, and for the first time dream had ever seen it, george gave a thankful smile.

it was small and barely met his eyes, but it was there.

dream felt a burst of butterflies flutter around in his stomach at the sight. dream wanted to provoke more reactions like that because something was telling him that george didn't show many smiles. he also chased the light, floaty feeling george's pretty face gave him. his deep brown eyes that glowed like pools of honey under certain lighting, the singular strand of dark hair that curled over his forehead into his eyes, the slight show of his defined collarbones peeking through his blue crewneck, or the faint freckles he had across his face that were noticeably more pigmented on the left side.

all of it gave dream a certain feeling that he couldn't quite label.

"thank you" george whispered.

dream gave a slightly larger smile in return to show it was no problem. george took another lazy look around the desolate place they were in. there wasn't another soul. not even any noise apart from the faint piano music coming through the speakers in the ceiling.

george placed the cigarette into his mouth, pulling out a rusted bic lighter from his back pocket, lighting the blunt end of it. taking a small hit of it before breathing back out into the air.

"it's quite lonely isn't it," he started. "y'know... being the only people around in such big place." he looked to dream to gauge his reaction. to see if this is where dream would turn into a douchebag and call george a weirdo.

but he didn't. instead, dream responded with a slow nod and a breathless, "sorta feels like we're the last people on earth". george's eyes sparkled, amused with dream's understanding of what feeling he had been trying to explain.

a glimmer of light sparking in george's soul, he smiled again, bigger this time. "yeah, yeah exactly like that".


A/N: eh?

(1230 words)

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