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tw://needles, slight weight talk

quiet humming vibrated throughout a steadily rising and falling chest. the amplified noise was enough to stir george awake as he lifted his head up with squinted eyes.

it was quite the sight to wake up to, he thought. forest green eyes that were all the more vibrant with the soft glows of sun rays peeking through the windows. the eyes were puffy and tired with temporarily chubby, rosy cheeks to match. his blonde locks were in a state of total disarray, sticking out messily in all directions, randomly curling in odd places. the cutest thing of all however, was the arm george felt draped over the small of his back and the faint feather-light touches of a hand running through his own hair.

he felt safe for once. like nothing could hurt him here in this moment. and that wasn't a feeling he wanted to give up. he hadn't ever truly cuddled with anyone in his entire life, but now experiencing it, he understood the appeal. the feeling made him briefly think of his mother, but he pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind with a sour scowl. his new strategy to feeling okay was to just not let himself think at all. for now it would work.

as much as he didn't wish to leave his comfortable spot, a wave of insecurity and self consciousness washed over him as he remembered his current body weight. he'd weighed himself last just a few days ago and granted he hadn't eaten much of anything the past few days, that didn't stop his mind from worrying that he was too heavy to lay on top of someone.

he began to slightly lift up his body only to be stopped by a tightening grip against his waist and a light palm gently pushing his head back down. dream hadn't realized that george had woken up, feeling a twinge of hurt that george's instant reaction was to try and leave his company. 'am i really reading into this wrongly?', the blonde wearied.

"don't leave me", a whiny, pitiful voice whimpered.

george paused his efforts to get away from the blonde and looked up to see his a sad little vulnerable pout. the brunet felt his heart flip around and he just barely stopped himself from outwardly 'awweing'.

though it was enough to push away all of his inner doubts, confirming with himself that he was wanted there, and in fact not being a nuisance.

george relaxed his body and laid his head back down onto the blonde's chest, this time propped up on his chin so they could see each other's faces; instantly feeling the hands return their hold onto him. he was startled by how loudly and rapidly dream's heart was beating and, without thinking, slid his own arm up from where it was buried under his stomach, moving it to dream's shoulder-blade.

he let his fingers naturally glide against the edges of the blonde's fabric neckline, occasionally slipping one past it to graze the skin on his neck. he liked the way dream's skin always felt warm to the touch, unlike his own, because of all the sweaters he'd wear. he liked the way dream never showed the palms of his hands since they were always covered with wool sleeves, or the way the material would trap all of his body heat against himself, making his presence like a beacon of light.

a fond, relieved smile played at dream's lips that he clearly had been attempting to bite back in appreciation for the brunet staying by him. george mirrored the smile as he felt the once loud heartbeat gradually slow down, now operating at a relaxed tempo.

dream's face settled into a grim expression with faintly furrowed brows and a forlorn look in his eyes as he stared off into space, still threading his fingers through the brunet's hair absentmindedly.

"penny for you thoughts?", a thick, innocent accent sounded out.

the blonde's eyesight flickered over the george's in self preparation. "i dunno actually... i'm just feeling sorta-... lost."

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