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a/n: this chapter and the next one are centered around their party. both will contain HEAVY tw's for substance use with graphic descriptions. be mindful of that before you read- if you want i can provide a summary, but i do sort of feel like these moments are important to the development of the characters. that said- it won't be glamorized. it'll show both sides of substance usage in the next two chapters, so i hope it doesn't give off any wrong ideas. thx!

also the song above is what i imagined in this chapter. i suggest u skip through it to get the vibe!!!!!!!!

the three trudged up the trailer park's large, grassy hill holding brown paper bags of all their newly, illegally purchased items. alcohol proved to be extremely expensive, causing the three of them to nearly blow all the money at once, but they withstood.

they'd ended up getting a few cases of simple hard seltzers or beers, plus the cheapest fruity mixers they could find, and two-liter bottles of 'absolut vodka'. they didn't go out of their ways to spend too much on quality, seeing as though their guests were a bunch of other underaged teenagers who didn't have the right to be picky.

now at the top of the hill, they had a good view of the bonfire that bad was currently attempting to light, and karl and sapnap inside the big garage space unfolding a white plastic table. running down the hill to bad, the trio placed all their beverages into various scattered around coolers, then passed bad the leftover cardboard boxes to aid him in starting the fire.

apparently people would be arriving soon; the guest list including around 200 people from their school, plus a few others on the block. of course, they sent out the message that you wouldn't be allowed into the garage unless you brought your own rations of food or drinks, their words exactly being, "were not made of money, so bring your own shit or gtfo." that said, most of them worked on their pre-gaming before anyone got there, knowing full well that most of their supply would be gone almost instantaneously.

meanwhile in the garage, karl was being held at the hips by sapnap in order to be tall enough to hang a strip of LED lights along the garage's borders. of course, there were ladders and chairs around that he could have stood on, but the pair would never admit to that.


a bit later, and the party was booming. a vortex of glowsticks were bending around fluidly through the air as they gravitated along moving bodies. the dark sky allowed for the neon, glow body paint smeared across most of the individuals to create sporadic beacons of light all around.

most of the group had lost track of each other long ago, all of them splitting off into their own groups amongst the sea people. george and dream found themselves sitting in a circle of worn, green lawn chairs with frayed plastic edges. a stump of wood sat in front of them on the ground that separated the two from three onlookers, who were performing their business pitch.

"look, i've got a new mix for you. it'll knock you flat on your ass, dude i swear. it's a half n half of molly and some white," the crazed man in front of them sat licking his lips with two chicks, very obviously strung out, grabbing at the sides of his chair, nodding along with what the man was saying. assumingly, they were on whatever this guy was trying to pitch.

he didn't exactly have to most reputable, nor respectable appearance to him. he had unmaintained scruff overtaking the lower portion of his face, some tacky black-out sunglasses, and a studded, ripped beanie messily pulled over his greasy hair.

dream was visibly unconvinced about the sketchiness of what they were about to do, which the man caught onto. the dealer demandingly jammed his grimy pointer finger into the table repeatedly to show his growing impatience with his uneasy customers.

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