bermuda triangle

542 27 23

'chestnuts roasting on an open fire...'

a staticky record scratched alive in the den of a small white paneled house that sat on the corner of elm lane. a beaten house that typically inhabited unhappy, argumentative residents for once was replaced with holiday spirit that overlapped any of the household tensions and traumas.

for once, the house made an attempt at normalcy.

"drista!", george shrieked, mouth agape. he'd only just placed another ornament onto the tree, but with drista attempting to push every possible button, she kept immediately removing his from their branches and relocating them to her liking. it was highly annoying.

maniacal cackles bellow out in shrill pride. it's a laugh so obnoxiously loud and boisterous that george reluctantly pushes aside his agitation and cracks a laugh as well.

"stop moving my ornaments", he pesters, picking up another silver and red one from the cardboard box and going to hang it.

this time, drista lets him put it wherever he wants. after all, he asked nicely and she can always just rearrange them when george isn't around.

the two chat amongst themselves as dream, unbeknownst to them, watches the interaction from the kitchen with an adoring smile on his face as he stirs the three hot cocoas with extra whip. seeing his sister- his blood related, longtime bestfriend get along so well and bonding with his short-time, potentially (what he hopes to be) eventual boyfriend pools an unfamiliar feeling in his stomach. it's a whirlwind of butterflies that were no longer held captive, confined by doubts, or hiding who you are that finally were released into the world to be free and find their purposes. that and absolute, unequivocal love for the people in his life, even though he often feels undeserving of it all.

"three hot cocoas with extra whip!"dream calls out, sauntering into the living room where a bomb of chintzy christmas decorations detonated all across any viable surfaces. he and george share a warm smile as dream hands it over handle first- careful to not let the mug burn george in the process and abstractly sacrificing the palm of his own hand.

"anddd piping hot- just how you like it", dream purrs knowingly. they'd been spending a lot of time together lately, and through that time, they'd been able to pick up on all of each other's individual intricacies, preferences, and pet peeves. one of those preferences being that george specifically enjoyed when his meals and drinks were steaming hot- like burn your mouth and leave blisters on your tongue type of hot.

a bashful but grateful "thank you" was returned with a suave hazel green wink that wordlessly signified 'no problem'.

drista backs up from the tree to admire her work, sipping on her cocoa and pointing to her brother with a cream mustache. "clay can you put the star on top? you're the only one that can reach", she instructs, bossily shoving the tinsel golden star into his chest.

an egotistical smirk spreads across dream's face as he steps up to the tree,  being sure to george glance at with a powerful smugness that gloats a silent "haha i'm taller than you".

"sure i can", he brags, effortlessly stretching out his arm to the very tip of the seven foot tree and securing the star. he can feel george's watchful eyes glaring bullets into his back, so just for an extra added teasing before turning around- he leans forward with locked knees and shimmies his hips right in the direction of george.

he snickers at the punch in the shoulder he gets from a tiny fist, standing back up and grinning at george who'd already gulped down his entire cup of hot chocolate. "and yet somehow people still think you're straight", george jokes with feigned inquiry and pondering as he rubs at his chin.

hopeless purpose (dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now