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dream had never been considered a good student, nor was he ever labeled as the kiss-ass type of kid that teachers for some unknown reason gushed over.

in fact, he spent most of his time in class distracting other students in the form of comedic relief, or creating sporadic doodles across the work he was meant to be turning in.

however contrary to popular belief, the teachers all secretly loved his wit and charming smiles, loved that behind his faux arrogance he was truly a sweetheart, loved that he was actually insanely intelligent, but wished he would show it. unfortunately, they could never outwardly show their adoration for kids like dream because that would give off the wrong type of message to everyone else.

it'd let other students believe that they too, could get away with being a little prick.

the blonde simply didn't need to try. he was naturally smart, despite never having done an honest ounce of school work in his life. he somehow managed to get away with average grades because around once a month he would dedicate a few hours of his time to do a bare minimum amount of assignments that should have taken a far longer amount of time than he completes them in, thus bringing his grades back up to a mediocre level.

he could've been extraordinary if he tried, but he saw value in other things.

he'd always been a strong believer that numbers and the multitude of other things society claims to care so much about, were overly superficial. sure he could bring up his grades for them to be 90's instead of 60's, but why should he let a puny number, a fake concept that man-kind just created on a whim, determine his self worth and success rate? he'd rather spend his time creating memories and garnishing life experience.

although looked down upon amongst society, dream was content with his "fuck it" mentality. mostly because he'd learned that if you try too hard to control everything, then you lose yourself.

that same mentality is exactly what landed him currently squatting in the school's bathroom, skipping class. he'd gotten a text in the groupchat with his friends that they we're going to go off school grounds for lunch today. this would prove to be a bit of an issue, seeing as he wanted to take this time to finally have a conversation longer than a few sentences with george. but he figured that maybe if he got a head start by leaving class early, that he'd influence his friends to do the same, and that if he was lucky, they'd be back at school with some time to spare in the lunch period. just enough time to go and see the boy. though knowing his friends and their lack of time management, he knew this outcome to be unlikely, but it didn't hurt to try.

for a moment he had considered declining his friends invitation to lunch, entirely because he felt he was missing an opportunity with george. a piece of him felt like he'd be betraying the brunet, or letting him down if he didn't get back to the school on time to check in. but he had to brush those anxieties off. he couldn't abandon his long-time friends for someone he'd just met. for one, if they ever found out, then he'd never hear the end of it, and two, because he was still unsure of how to make conversation with the boy. every attempt he'd made so far came off as dorky and embarrassing, something he didn't want to happen again.

so upon hearing the shrill bell echo out across the school, he bolted out of the bathroom towards sapnap's car.

years ago, the group had executively called upon both sapnap and bad to be their personal chauffeurs, both for their own respective reasons. sapnap, because of his wild nature and his willingness to make spontaneous pit-stops whenever the boys pleased. and bad, because he was safe. he never drank when they'd all haul along for parties, refused to let any of the boys make irresponsible, rash decisions, and overall was the most level-headed out of the group.

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